How much exercise to you have to do to maintain your weight ?

I already work out 4 times a week for an hour a day. After I have my surgery, I'd like to add things like Horse back riding, kick boxing etc..but I don't know if I want to do those more than once a week even though I would enjoy them. I have more Cisco classes I want to take, etc and while I want to be healthy and active I don't want to spend all my energy just trying to maintain my weight. My concern, is that one post-op website I saw was basically implying you had to be a tri-athlete to maintain 100% weight loss (if you acheive it in the first place), but like I said, the point of the surgery is for me to be healthy so I can be active and enjoy life, not just spending it working out. Thank you    — Anita N. (posted on January 5, 2001)

January 5, 2001
I don't exercise formally, but have maintained 100% wt loss for 6+ yrs. I do it all nutritionally and by following a few simple guidelines that are not like dieting for me. No milk, no sugar, no grazing, no drinking with meals and then my 120-180g of protein supplements & vites. It has worked well for me to control cravings and keep my labs good and keep me feeling good. Your program sounds marvelous already, so if you add good post-op nutrition, you should do fabulously!
   — vitalady

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