How bad is the pain compaired to a C-Section?

I am waiting for Insurance approval on RNY WLS, and am wondering how bad the pain is. I have had three c-sections, and am hopeing someime can tell me if the pain is worse or not as bad as a c-section. I do understand that the surgerys are different,but am just looking for some kind of guage. Thank you.    — Kris V. (posted on December 29, 2000)

December 29, 2000
Hi! I haven't had a C-section, but I have had a hysterectomy and the pain from that was worse. I would even say it was a lot worse. If you are really worried about the pain, ask your surgeon how they will deal with pain while you are in the hospital and after. A patient controlled morphine pump is becoming popular as pain relief in many hospitals and it works wonders! I was all smiles for the first two days, until they took my magic pump! :-) But really, it wasn't all that bad. Good luck! Maria
   — Maria H.

December 29, 2000
The pain from the C-Section was worst than for the RNY. That is my own experience. Because of where they cut my in my c-section. They cut me across my bikini line so when I cough it hurt. But with the C-Section they cut me up and down So when I cough It didn't bother me. Each person is different.
   — Sharon T.

December 29, 2000
I found that the C section was worst. It is in the same category. SO, if you had a C section, you will find the RNY similiar, but a bit more comfortable than the C section. I had a c section and I would take the Rny over that. LoL..Good luck
   — Angela A.

December 29, 2000
Well, I guess I am the odd one out. I have had 3 c-sections and I thought the RNY was more painful. The incision is much higher of course and it hurt like hell when you had to cough. Also, after the surgery you really have a hard time wearing a bra because of the elastic band of the bra going right over the top of the incision. If you can, you need to put some type of padding between you and the bra or go bra-less. As for the pain, I was more uncomfortable with the RNY sugery...everyone is different.
   — PNethery

December 29, 2000
My c-section and WLS were 12 years apart and as I recall, the pain was similar. While we each have our own level of tolerance for pain, I knew that my c-section had prepared me in someway for this surgery. Getting in and out of bed is the same. Lifting limits are the same. But I also knew if I could SURVIVE my C-section, I could SURVIVE this...I was happy for the preparation. Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Allie B.

December 29, 2000
I think the pain was worse for my 2 c-sections. After the RNY you get a elastic belt around you right after they close you up and that helps a great deal holds you together and up so you can think just about walking and getting around than holding yourself. The first day was the toughest but after that just keep moving and you will do just fine. Good luck and Happy New Life.
   — Kathy G.

December 30, 2000
Hi. this was a question I had before my surgery too. I've had 3 c-setions and in my opinion, the pain of this was worse, although definitly manageable! I had a LAP procedure, so I did not have any kind of belt or anything for support. Just plan to use your pain meds, and rest rest rest!!!! One month later, and I can't really remember the pain anymore!
   — Marnie K.

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