Will Drs. perform the WLS surgery if you have had a Pulmonary Embloism(PE)?

At the age of 25 I almost died of a massive PE and they put in a greenfield filter. This was the SCARIEST thing in my life and I don't ever want to go through anything like that again. Will I be putting myself in the same situation and nearly die from a PE if i decide to do this surgery? Doctors who are out there please answer!!!    — Dawn H. (posted on December 4, 2000)

December 4, 2000
Dawn, my husband is facing these same issues. He is currently waiting for insurance approval for his lap RNY (my daughter and I had our surgeries earlier this year). He has had two previous hospitalizations for pulmonary emboli and has been on Coumadin therapy for over 15 years. Our surgeon insists on Greenfield filter placement before the WLS. The surgeon and the radiologist have assured him that the filter would effectively eliminate the possibility of a PE post-op, so he feels very comfortable with proceeding with plans for surgery. Even placement of the filter carries some risks, but continuing to live with his obesity is the greater risk in his case. Good luck to you!
   — Diana T.

December 5, 2000
I developed a PE after having a c-section 3 years ago & was in the hospital for 2 weeks having it treated.Naturally,I was concerned about the same thing happening after having RNY. My surgeon was aware of my past medical problems & I was given shots of Heperin everyday in the hospital. I also tried to move around as much as possible after the surgery. Even when I came home,I was advised to not sit in one position for more than 30 minutes unless my legs were elevated. I am 14 weeks post op now & have not had any problems with blood clots. That was my biggest concern going into surgery,but I decided to just trust my surgeon & any decision he made. You will be fine. Please don't let the possibility of a PE affect your decision to live a happier,healthier life. Best of luck to you!
   — melmas

December 5, 2000
I developed a PE 3 weeks out of surgery. Any surgery causes your chances of this to increase, and especially if you are obese. I am fine now. You just have to weigh the risks and decide what is best for you. I don't think a doctor will say not tothe surgery. He may just be conservative with you and monitor you more closely.
   — kristaz

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