Is this head hunger?

While I never have hunger pains at 4 weeks post-op, I am wanting to munch every evening in the worst way. I've been eating crackers to pacify myself. Is this OK and has anyone experienced this? Whatdid you do? Still have NO energy. Thanks and God Bless. [email protected]    — Suzanne W. (posted on October 26, 2000)

October 27, 2000
Yep - I agree with Al. Better to eat protein when you feel the urge to nibble. Cheese works well for me - especially individually wrapped string cheese. As for it being normal... yes, I believe it is. Which one of us that has had or is pursuing WLS hasn't had head hunger or eaten for emotional reasons rather than physical hunger? I had a rude awakening last week when I was really sick with a cold. The cold tablets and tylenol just didn't seem to put a dent in how bad I felt. My head felt like it was going to explode. I found myself going through the cupboard, fridge and freezer trying to find something to eat that would make me feel better. Then the light bulb went off and I realized I wasn't hungry and took a hot, steamy bath instead. Needless to say, the steam helped open my sinuses for a while and I got some relief that way. I'm finding that head hunger and wanting to eat for emotional reasons is still an issue - but I thank God everyday that I am now forced to find another means of comfort.
   — Diane S.

October 27, 2000
I have the same problems sometimes too. The first step in solving a problem is being able to identify it and once you know what it is, then doing something to correct it. When I have head hunger, I don't eat anything, I think about what I ate today, did I eat enough? Did I skimp on my protein? Did something happen today to stress me out or get worried? Answering these questions always helps me to decide if I'm really hungry or not, if I don't think I had enough protein, I might drink a glass of skim milk or have a piece of turkey and a piece of cheese. Just try to make yourself aware of what happened in your day, 9 times out of 10 it usually is just head hunger, for me anyway. It's so funny to see me give advice to people sometimes (hehee), I think about how I was 3 months ago, the epitamy of no willpower!!! Good luck to you.
   — christine L.

October 27, 2000
Hey Suzanne: All the posts have great advise. I also want to add to not start eating crackers. I learned early on that crackers went down easily. Since I can't eat bread very well, I tried it. Now I can't stop. Every night, I want crackers even when I am not hungry. I am now actively trying to stop eating them. I think I like the crunchyness and the salt. It has affected my weight loss. Please do not get into that bad habit.
   — Dot W.

October 27, 2000
When I was 3 weeks post op, I actually convinced myself I'd had staple line disruption because I felt hungry and wanted to munch anything that wasn't nailed down. After freaking out about it, my wonderful surgeon ordered an UGI to make sure all was okay, and it was. I now have it occasionally, and like some of the other who've responded, I eat a bit of protein, like string cheese or milk and I'm fine. I am 2 months out now, and I still have it but at least I know what it is!!
   — Shari F.

October 27, 2000
Suzanne: What vitamins do you take? I take 500 micrograms of B12 daily. B12 is excellent for energy, help with healing, etc. Also, I take 2 Flintstones complete, vitamin C, and calcium.
   — Cindy H.

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