I have sleep Apnea & suppose to have wls and can not wear the mask.

I have had all my testing for my wls but haven't got all the results back yet. I am wandering if anybody has had sleep apnea and did not wear the mask and has had the surgery. How did it affect you after surgery and while in the hosp? Did you have breathing problems or any other problems because of not wearing it?    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 2, 2000)

October 2, 2000
I had problems when I had my sleep study. I was fine with the mask when I was awake and alert. However, I could not wear the mask sleeping because I would have a panic attack and hyperventilate. Instead of a mask the respiratory therapist fitted me with "air pillows." With these the hose comes over the top of the head and the nozzles insert in your nostrils without covering your mouth or nose. Perhaps this change in you "snorkle" might help.
   — Nanette T.

October 2, 2000
I had a sleep study before surgery. My surgeon wanted me to be fitted with the mask prior to surgery. I did this and only used it one time at home. I brought it with me to the hospital but it was never used and I did just fine without it. Just my experience though!
   — Denise K.

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