I NEED HELP!....Somebody Please Help ME....

I went to se my nutritionist because I have been on a 8 month plateau. Well changing what I was eating and getting more protein worked. I lost 6 pounds since last monday. But I dont know what happened. I guess I just feel like even after having this surgery and sitting on this plateau I have been on - there is really no hope and I am going to be the ggod year blimp for the rest of my life - or atleast whats left of it. I binged on Saturday, Sunday and Monday by eating each day - 3 - YES 3 - Nutty Butty Bars. Full of sugar of course and they made me so sick I started with the chills but I kept shoving them down my face. I got so sick I went to vomiting and as soon as it stopped I did it again the next day. Sometimes I feel better when the food I eat comes back up. Please dont think I am some kind of nut case - but I am - thats just it, I dont know what i am and a therapist is out of the question. I am so broke it is pathetic. My doctor tries to help all he can but I guess I or my mind is rejecting the possibility that I will ever be anything but FAT. Can someone please help me?    — anitawilson (posted on August 22, 2000)

August 21, 2000
Anita It will be okay. Therapy may not be out of the question. My daughter was hundreds of miles away from me when she had a major emotional crisis. She had a minimum wage job and deep in debt and I was too broke to help her much. Someone put her in touch with Catholic Charities (we aren't Catholic) and they got her a therapist and stood behind her all the way. Maybe they can help you, or try Red Cross or United Way. If you want someone to talk to email me at [email protected] with your phone number and I will be happy to call you. Kandy
   — kaydeeb16

August 21, 2000
Anita, I feel for you and know you're upset. I want to add that most counties have County Mental health clinics that use a sliding scale to determine how much you have to pay for services.They will not refuse care either. If your income is low, I'd try them. Also go a head to your Department of Social Services and apply for any aid they give, like food stamps, medicaid. There's no need for you to be alone. Try your clergy too. We've got you in our prayers. Hang in there. Love, Lou Ann
   — Lou Ann J.

August 21, 2000
Anita, get yourself to Overeaters Anonymous. You have all the classic signs of food addiction. And yes, you can be helped. Call your local information and ask for the number to Overeaters Anonymous. They will give you a local hotline. someone there will tell you were the local meetings are. They are free but willingly accept a donation of whatever you can afford to pay for room rental etc. More importantly, there are other people there, who have found a program that helps them with the EXACT symptoms you describe. I know, I am one of them. You are suffering. The suffering can be stopped. NOW GO!
   — merri B.

August 22, 2000
Hi Anita: I am a compulsive overeater as well. I've never ate til I puked, although sometimes I wish I had. But I know I ate to punish myself, telling myself, you'll never be thin, you'll always be fat, so who cares? And I agree that the first thing you need to to do is absolutely refuse to bring the junk in the house. Since my surgery, I have no soda, cookies, candies, cakes, sweets or chips in the house other than sugar free fudgesicles and sugar free pudding. I have made it clear to my children that they are not banned from goodies, but that goodies are banned from my house (ok, they can have ice cream, because I'm not really an ice cream freak anyway). Having just survived the liquid phase, when everything you drink is sweet and sugar free, I found that sweets are the last thing I want. Perhaps you might try this for a week. Go back to the full liquid days and have nothing but high protien sugar free pudding, smoothies and popsicles and the like and you may find that your sugar craving is quenched. Please be sure to check out all the suggestions regarding counseling - you went through an awful lot with the surgery, you need to fight to make it work for you. Have you been to the doctor regarding a staple line disruption? Don't give up, you are in my prayers.
   — Allie B.

August 22, 2000
Anita, I am awaiting the surgery as we speak, I would love to volunteer to help you with binging. There is a reason for you feeling better after you throw up. I know that sounds strange but it is because of the endorphines that go off in your brain after throwing up. Some people get addicted to that behavior, bulemics suffer with it. I live in Citronelle and would love to talk to you. Please feel free to call me or e-mail me. My e-mail is [email protected] and my number is 777-8316 if you have area calling it is not long distance. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, lavonne Golden
   —  emma lavonne G.

August 22, 2000
Anita..hi! I don't have any different answers than the good people below have already given but I wanted to tell you that my heart goes out to you. I am ten weeks post-op and struggle with this behavior at times myself and I really feel for you. I guess the one thing I would like to remind you is that you made a mistake and that's need to forgive yourself and move on. It's too easy to get caught up in a shame spiral and allow yourself to be drug down. So give yourself the permission to screw up, forgive yourself and get back on track because you are important and you deserve to get healthy! I'm sending you a big you feel it? Hang in there, my friend.
   — Candace S.

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