I'm 62yrs old & need to talk to folks my age

After you reach a certain age things effect you diferently . I only find others in younger groups and I have so many questions. I am having surgery in Oct. I wonder if I'm being foolish to do this at my age.    — Margie R. (posted on August 15, 2000)

August 15, 2000
Absolutely, Not! I'm 60 years old and hoping to have the surgery soon. I'm just waiting on insurance. I still feel attractive and think I would be happier and healthier with the surgery. If I would only have 6 - 10 years left to live then I want to LIVE them, not just be alive!
   — [Anonymous]

August 15, 2000
Margie and others... my mom is 54 and had WLS (duodenal switch)in March. (My daughter and I have had it as well.) If you would like to correspond with her, please email me and I will give you her email addy. Congrats on your decision to take your life back.
   — Kris S.

August 15, 2000
Margie, I am not in your age group yet, but I would like to throw in my two cents worth. I am 41 and had my open RNY last July. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. My own mother is 63, diabetic, crippled in the knee, and generally miserable because she has spent her life morbidly obese. She would never consider the surgery, just because she is scared. I am angry with her for allowing herself to deteriorate to this level, and now have the ailments of a much older woman. You are brave and an inspiration to me. I applaude you for your decision to take control of your life. It is NEVER too late!
   — Peggy G.

August 15, 2000
Margie: I'm 10 months, 133 lbs down and 52 years old after lap BPD/DS. One of my coworkers (among many who have, or will be following me) also had a lap BPD/DS with my surgeon and is doing great. I know she is happy she did this, is already at 168 lbs is close to her goal weight. She is off her blood pressure and insulin and her doctor's are thrilled with her progress and she is hoping to avoid a 3rd hip replacement (on the same hip). She is not on the internet, but if you send your phone number, I'm sure she'll be happy to call you. Now she joins me in encouraging other super morbidly obese people to find a solution to our lifelong problem. You're not too old, you'll be surprised at how young you feel after loosing 100 lbs.
   — Jill L.

August 15, 2000
Hi There, My name is Linda and I am 58 years old, and had the surgery done 2 years ago, and of course you are not foolish. I think I will adopt you as my Hero, I have encouraged many an older persons, to have the surgery and to have a quality of life that is well worth all of the rest of your life, living it as near normal as possible. You are the only one who knows what it is like to live in that body. Go for it girl I have lost 230lbs. and am holding at 156lbs, and I am so grateful to God for giving me this one last chance to live life thin. Have any questions, feel free to write to me on my e-mail address anytime. I will be praying for your sucess. I will tell you about any of the exsperience that you want to know about, it was a tough one, but well worth it. Love and Prayers, Linda
   — Linda H.

August 16, 2000
You're not foolish at all. It's never too late to take your health back. You have a good long portion of your life to go, and think how much more (and much longer) you'll enjoy it as a healthier you! My only concern would be not to wait too long to make the decision. I know that some surgeons will not operate on patients once they have reached a certain age because it becomes too risky. Take care and best of luck! 3 months post op and 65 pounds gone forever!
   — Paula G.

August 17, 2000
No, you're definitely not too old! I'm 57 and had it done 1/10/00 and down approx. 130 lbs. They say you can't teach an old (dog)(lady) new tricks, but I am living proof that that is not true, at least as far as the old lady is concerned-just kiddin' on the old lady part, cause I feel like a kid again. feel free to write to me at my email address.
   — rosemary H.

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