Even though I am 250 lbs and I really dont eat much? Will I still lose a lot?

I am 250 lbs and I really am not a big eater, I just maintain my weight, I have slow matabolism, although I do not excercise, but plan on it after surgery. Since I dont eat a whole lot, will I still lose a lot of weight?    — peaceangel58 (posted on July 26, 2000)

July 25, 2000
Yes !!! I did, I was 244 on the day of surgery and 6 weeks later i had lost 56 #`s after that its been slower but am down to 177, its now been 13 weeks. I`m excerising for the first time in years because of health dissabilities. modern medicine and miricles,one in the same !!!
   — nancy T.

July 26, 2000
If you're already on a low calorie diet and just maintaining your weight, you've likely got a VERY efficient metabolism. With the proximal RNY the primary means of controlling weight is food restriction, which may not enable you to avoid regaining the weight. Distal operations such as the DGB and DS rely primarily on malabsorption to prevent regain and generally provide better long-term results. One of these might be a better option for you. You should consider scheduling a consult with a surgeon who offers both proximal and distal surgeries. It's the only way to get an unbiased expert analysis of which surgery type will best suit you. You can learn more about the DS at
   — Duffy H.

July 26, 2000
You may get many opinions on this site as to what works better than others and what surgery is best so I won't parlay that with you or any others on this site, however, at 250 pounds and you state you're not a big eater.. Then I feel restrictive type surgery is the best option for you,, of course that is just my opinion.. . To have any other drastic WLS surgery at only 250 pounds is absurd especially if you're not a very good eater to begin with. If you're not a heavy eater to begin with and you choose a strictly malabsorption type surgery then I'd say you're looking for severe nutritional defincies down the line. AND don't take my word for it at all.. check with several surgeons.. I have several email addresses that you can ask the surgeons yourself and also I have some rather detailed posts from members on AMOS that also state the the surgery type that depends on malabsorption alone should be reserved for those over 300 pounds.. 367 was my beginning weight just 6 months ago and I'm now at 230 and falling weekly..I had open Divided RNY.. I chose that surgery for many reasons all researched very well.. I'm very happy with my selection and I have no doubt that I will make my goal weight and keep it there..The figures comparing weightloss and regain of weight are too close to call on the restrictive vs malabsorption type surgeries.. the reports all show about same percentage within 7% of each other either way..If you want copies of these reports email me.. I can sit here and pound my chest until I'm blue in the face over how I believe my RNY was the better option for me, but I won't... We all can do that on here.. LOL and rightly so we're all very proud of our weightlosses and that's "GREAT" I'm so very happy for all my WLS sisters and brothers no matter the surgery type...Just my two cents......
   — Victoria B.

July 26, 2000
Debra, Check out my profile. I started at 228.5 on 1/13/00. I'm 7 months post op and have lost 80 pounds, down to 148. I'm 10-15 pounds from goal. So yes we can lose too. Lou Ann oh yeah, I had open rny.
   — Lou Ann J.

July 26, 2000
You are about my wt. I WAS surprised by how much less i eat and still get full real easily, Hang in there, You wont be sorry.
   — Shirley C.

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