Birthday treats, meeting leftovers and office grazing...

The counter in front of my desk at work is the "official" place to leave your birthday bagels, promotion donuts and leftover coffee cake from the staff meeting for the entire office to graze on. I realize I can't expect the world to change for me, but is it irrational for me to ask people to stop. It's not like I'm asking people not to bring things or stop eating around me, I just want to be able to leave my desk without having to walk past a tray of ridiculously sweet things that I can never eat again. Anyone tried to deal with this before?    — Kasey K. (posted on July 13, 2000)

July 13, 2000
Incorporating your new lifestyle at work is difficult, and so many things can be a sabotage (directly or indirectly. It all depends on the environment and relationship you have with your coworkers. If it is positive, share your feelings and ask them to help you. If it's negative, suggest an alternative place to leave the treats and leave it at that. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 26, 2000
It is not irrational to ask people to not put temptation in front of our faces! I for one will make sure that not only do I not put myself in situations that may present me with foods I know I cannot eat, but that NO ONE ELSE does it to me! Ask them to put the food in front of that anorexic assistant's desk!!LOL or to HELLO! put it in the kitchen or break room!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT SO STICK UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!
   — Christine C.

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