Do hemorrhoids IMPROVE after surgery(with weight-loss)?

I have bad hemorrhoids now and just wondered if anyone had them go away or cause less problems after losing weight.....I really hope so. Thanks !    — Harris (posted on May 25, 2000)

May 24, 2000
I have not had any hemorrhoids since the surgery. Which is has been heaven. I had my surgery almost 3 years ago. I had them all the time before.
   — chris M.

May 24, 2000
I had hemorrhoids a long time ago after I had my children. After the surgery my bowel were hard so they seem to want to come back so I just used metamucil every morning to soften them. It seems to work.
   — [Anonymous]

May 25, 2000
Hey Nancy: I had hemorrhoids which were very painful before surgery. Now at 8 months postop I have not had any return of them. I also have regular bowel movements (almost daily). Good Luck.
   — Dot W.

May 25, 2000
I think this is a very individual thing. For me, I got my very first hemorrhoid 2 years ago after a vaginal delivery of my second son. Pre-op, they didn't bother me NEARLY as much as they do now. I am to the point where I need some medical help, because they are so bad. So, I think that in this case, it really depends on the person. Seems that most people have had theirs clear up, but then there are people like me who are having a harder time with them post op. Good Luck...
   — Marni

May 25, 2000
Boy do I wish I had a different/better answer. I had (what my doc called) 'one' hemoroid pre-op. Had AWFUL problems with constipation post op - and now have anal fissures - its like trying to pass hot razor blades. The first month I was on a no-fiber diet, and since have added 25 grams of fiber, metamucil, 200 mg stool softeners, gallons of water, prunes, salads, veggies, fruits . . . no go, always uncomfortable. this is getting to be my only regret about surgery - but apparently its pretty uncommon.
   — Toni B.

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