Has anyone been able to wear their wedding rings, or must we remove them?

   — allendepot1 (posted on May 24, 2000)

May 24, 2000
I have had occasional surgeries during which I have been allowed to place tape over my rings so that I wouldn't have to remove them. However, most hospitals require removal...and some may allow you to keep them on if you sign a release from liability. I think that the main issue is liability-related due to the risk of theft or accusation of theft. There is also a concern that was voiced to me on one occasion, that some individuals may experience some swelling after receiving a quantity of IV fluids and find that their rings are suddenly too tight, possibly requiring that they would need to be cut off. At any rate, better safe than sorry I guess. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

May 24, 2000
My hospital required that patients wear no jewelry, including wedding rings.
   — Paula G.

May 24, 2000
Lynell, I don't have any wedding rings (well, at least not anymore I don't), but I do have a special ring that my children gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I never take it off and didn't want to for my surgery either. I explained the sentimental value of it to the operating room nurse and asked her "tape it" for me when I went in to the operating room. (I did remove all my other jewelry) She taped it but also explained that they normally require the removal of all jewelry and if anyone noticed it was taped I may still be asked to remove it. Fortuately no one noticed it however, and I was able to wear it throughout my procedure. I'm sure there are several valid reasons (medical and liability)to remove your jewelry, but I'm also sure that the hospital staff understands our reluctance to remove our more sentimental pieces.
   — cj T.

May 24, 2000
Lynell, I recently had open RNY (May 3) and although I did remove my diamond engagement ring and was asked to remove the ring I wear on my right hand, I was allowed to keep my wedding band on during surgery...they told me I could before I even had an opportunity to ask. Guess the OR folks are used to people asking. :-) Peace, Kay in AL PostOp: May 3 Dr. James Seay - Fairhope -28#
   — Kay M.

May 24, 2000
I have an engagement ring and 3 wedding bands(one wrap around and 2 small plain bands). One of the gold bands I never take off and they allowed me to put tape around it during surgery. One of the risks for keeping jewelry on is if they happened to have to use shock on you, you'll be burned if the jewelry is not taped.
   — Tina H.

May 24, 2000
I was unable to remove my wedding ring (fingers too fat) so they taped it. I had some serious blood loss and fluid retention (within 24 hours after surgery) requiring IV lasix and 3 transfusions. My hands were extremely swollen and there was concern about my ring, but everything worked out and I was able to get rid of the fluid and keep my ring on. I think it would have been best to have had it removed at home before even going to the hospital. It would have saved that worry at a time when there was enough other stuff to worry about. On the bright side, that was 9 months ago and last month I had to have my rings made a full size smaller so they wouldn't fall off!!!
   — Cheryl H.

May 24, 2000
The hospital called me to do my pre-admission and they told me to make sure I take off all jewelery except my wedding rings. They said I could leave my wedding rings on and they would tape them. I was relieved, I never take them off except for cleaning them or when I make meatloaf. LOL
   — Linda M.

May 24, 2000
Looks like the majority were able to wear wedding rings. I did too. I asked to wear wedding ring and a guardian angel ring my daughter gave me 6 years ago when I was going through a divorce with her father, she was only 9 but thought I needed an angel. I don't take that ring off. Anyway, they taped both rings and my angel watched out for me. Open RNY 1/13/00, down 64 pounds and doing great. Lou Ann
   — Lou Ann J.

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