Has anybody had a problem getting a heart cath done?

I had an abnormal stress test, so my doctor wants me to have a heart cath. But I was told that I couldn't have it done because I was to heavy for the table. So I was told that I must loose at least 130 lbs before I can have it done. I already lost 50 lbs. Im at 481 right now.    — Christopher H. (posted on May 21, 2000)

May 21, 2000
Hi. I had an abnormal EKG and an abnormal Thallium scan- stress test. The cardiologist wanted a heart Cath. I weighed over 450 pounds. The doctor tried to get the heart cath at two different hospitals. Both refused after weighing me on a freight scale. I was told the weight limit for a heart cath table is 350 pounds. I never did have the heart cath done. Now I weigh 249 pounds and am under limit for table, but my EKG is now normal. ( I had gastric roux en y- this is why I lost weight). It was scarey for awhile though, some doctors insisted I had had a heart attack. I had to carry nitroglycerine around and I was put on drug called tenormin. Oh well, all is well that ends well. LOL Beth
   — Elizabeth H.

January 26, 2001
I had a Cath 2 weeks ago at 359 lbs with no problems. In fact they found no blockages. Unfortunately, the stress test the day before found a heat defect. I now have an ICD (pacemaker/defibrulator) and on Tenormin. Jerry
   — Jerry S.

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