Wil I have to remove body jewelery?

This may sound weird, but I have my tongue and both nipples pierced, will I have to remove any of them before surgery? I hope not!    — Maxine C. (posted on April 24, 2000)

April 23, 2000
I too, would be interested in the answer to this question. I only have my tongue pierced, but I don't want to have to take it out for surgery. Do they put tubes in your mouth? Would they make me remove it, and if they do, how will I keep the hole open so that I may put it back in after? I went through a lot of pain to have it done, and I absolutely love it. I don't want to have it removed and closed!!
   — enjo4

April 24, 2000
Hi Maxine, Sorry but you will have to remove any metal, detachable jewelry from your body before surgery. They do this because, in case of emergency,(God forbid) they would have to shock you. Also, because something could become dislodged during surgery and cause a choking hazard. Sorry for the bad news.
   — Laura P.

April 24, 2000
   — [Anonymous]

April 24, 2000
I had my surgery march 1,2ooo and i have my tongue picerce and you better believe they made me take it out because of emergency and also it has to stay out until you leave the hospital because they are steady sticking things in your mouth this year july would have been a year for mine and guess what it closed up.
   — kay M.

April 24, 2000
LOL....LMAO @ Anon........and shaking my head, too.
   — Jaye C.

April 24, 2000
Hmm, guess I'll be taking out my peircings. :( I can always get repierced! I'd rather have the surgery then have the piercings! Thanks everyone-Max
   — Maxine C.

May 3, 2000
There are a few websites available that offer lucite & teflon piercing jewelry. You may want to invest in these items. That is my plan. I have my eyebrow & tongue done.
   — debbie R.

August 16, 2000
I work in an operating room: 1. yes it can become dislodged and cause a foreign body in your lung therefore causing an infection, 2. electro cautery is used in the OR to stop bleeding and if you have any jewerly on it can exit through the metal and cause a burn. all patients are grounded to the cautery unit and they are very safe but do not take the chance of a burn remove the jewerly. In 23 years I have not seen a burn because our policy is very strict and we adhere to them.
   — rachel -.

August 17, 2000
I was only wearing a small stud in my nose, and two small hoops in each UPPER ear lobes (I left these in thinking they shouldn't be a problem) and I had to remove it ALL. My sister kept them and as soon as I was awake, we quickly put them back in- It was only 1 day without them. Painful as they were to get- I really like them! However, in exchange for WLS, I would have given them up, if made to choose.
   — Karen R.

January 13, 2001
you have to remember back when you got your tongue pierced you couldn't eat regular foods. so why not take it out, let it close up and get it repierced after your surgery. you are going to have to eat pureed food anyway.
   — Michelle B.

March 2, 2001
FIRST of all....I am disgusted at how JUDGEMENTAL some people can be on this site. WE should be able to ASK anything without being made to feel stupid. SECOND....I sucessfully kept in my tragus, nipple, and even a genital piercing during surgery, using PLASTIC jewelry. My surgeon, although very conservative was wonderful about it. To those with TONGUE piercings, THEY are not allowed to stay in under any circumstances, due to the anasthesia tube, danger of swallowing the jewelry, etc. Best of luck!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

June 3, 2001
Hi. I also have a tongue piercing and I was told that I need to have it taken out right before surgery, but as soon as I was awake in my room, I could put it back in. However the nurses said that I would be kinda out of it from the medicine, so my best friend Heather is going to put it back in for me. Good Luck and Best Wishes !
   — Julie Z.

December 16, 2001
Yes you will have to take out your tongue piercing it's standard proceedure in most surgeries because there afraid you'll swallow it. but after surgery it can be put back in I've had my tongue pierced for over a year and taking it out for a day or to doesn't make it close up
   — blank first name B.

March 28, 2003
I also have several ear, tongue, nose, and genital piercings. I have no problem removing all of them for this surgery. The pain is not that excruciating when they are re-pierced so you are only losing money. I recommend seeing a professional piercer, who has the proper tools for removal (most places do not charge)- if you are getting re-pierced someday, you will be able to reuse your jewelry. If you are planning on getting things like nipples re-pierced, wait until you lose a significant amount of weight. Migration of the piercing ("growing out") can happen through weight changes, which will result in scar tissue. The more times you have a piercing migrate and re-pierced, the tougher the skin is and the more painful. More scar tissue also does NOT insure that the piercing will eventually stop migrating.
   — Angela G.

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