How do I get an angel?

I live in Indianapolis but having surgery in Canton, GA with Dr Champion. I may be there alone and would like to know how to get an angel. My surgery date is April 20, 2000. Is there anyone who knows what I should do? Thank you, Tammy    — Tamilyn12 (posted on March 22, 2000)

March 22, 2000
Hi Tammy! Have you tried to contact any of the people who have posted comments about Dr. Champion on this site who also live in the Atlanta/Canton area? Also, you might try to mention this to Dr. Champion or his staff, since they are from that area and know their patients who are also from that area, they may have several folks who would be happy to be your angel - but remember you are NEVER alone because Jesus has ALWAYS got His eye on you and is as close as the whisper of His name and also know, He has assigned you your very own REAL Guardian Angel to ALWAYS be by your side o:o)!! I live in Missouri thus I'm to far to help you out in person, but if you would like an e-pal to help you through this feel free to e-me at [email protected]! I'll be praying for you :o)!!
   — Rev. VaLinda H.

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