what to expect?

I have read comments of enemas,Pulmanary testing etc. What I want to know is all this the norm or is it a case by case thing? I've read some great success stories & they are very uplifting. However I don't think I would want all this Pre-Op testing...    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 29, 2000)

February 29, 2000
It all depends on your surgeon. My required only an EKG and a blood workup.
   — dboat

February 29, 2000
My testing consisted of in Oklahoma: Pulmonary tests, Cardiologist for stress test and ultra sound on my heart, sleep apnea test...Once in Tenn.: Complete blood and urine analysis, chest x-rays, Upper GI series I had to swallow a glass of barium until I glowed in the dark. Then Doppler looking for blood clots. All tests ordered by my doctor after he saw my medical records. Each surgeon is diffrent..
   — Victoria B.

February 29, 2000
Case-by-case, absolutely! Every doctor is different, as is every patient. Good luck! Jaye
   — Jaye C.

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