Does WLS lead to permanant weight loss?

I am scheduled for surgery on 1/17/00 (Hooray for me!!) and I have a question..... I'm a bit confused. It is my understanding that this surgery provides permanent weight loss for patients, but several posts on this web-site contradict that claim. There seem to be a lot of people who post concerns about weight RE-GAIN which is the opposite of PERMANENT weight loss. How is weight re-gain possible? Is this permanent or not? I don't want to experience the yo-yo diet effects from a major medical procedure that I thought would relieve me from that cycle. What are some of your experiences with this? Also, if there are any patients of Dr. Anez who can offer me any last minute advise or support, please do. Thanks    — Stacy G. (posted on December 30, 1999)

December 30, 1999
Weight Loss Surgery is a TOOL. It puts the things in place that will add in the weight loss. But you still have to learn new eating habits and abide by those in order to make your surgery a success.
   — Sarah D.

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