Are we supposed to have one ?

I've never heard this before.Just wondering if beacause of surgery it's needfull.Does it matter what type of surgery?I'm having the Laparoscopic Mini-Bypass.Would be most gratefull for any answers as I want to always be prepared.Can more than one item be placed on a bracelet?I'm allergic to shellfish and have one for that.Thanks to everyone who supports this site as it has truly been a source of help to me as I travel to the "other side".    — adrian W. (posted on November 17, 1999)

November 18, 1999
Hi, I'm not sure about the bracelet but I was given a medical card to keep in my wallet. It states that I have had WLS and shows a small diagram of what my new stomach looks like. To answer anonymous, I would think if I were in an emergency and they needed to do emergency surgery I would like for them to know where everything is located inside. Oh and another thing, there are certain medications that you should avoid or take caution with, those are listed on my medical card too. Another thing listed on my card is the number to my surgeon. So back to the answer, I'm not sure about the bracelet. Doesn't sound like such a bad idea if you already have one, to go ahead and add WLS. What's the harm in that?
   — Julie R.

November 18, 1999
A couple weeks after my surgery, I was vomiting uncontrolably, so my surgeon told me to go to my local emergency room. He impressed upon me that I must not let them put any tubes down my throat. So, I made sure they didn't, but I started to wonder what would happen if I were ever sick or hurt and brought to the ER unconscious? If they put a tube down my throat to pump my stomach or whatever, they could easily rupture my tiny stomach pouch. So, I got my medicalert bracelet that says I have had gastric bypass, and don't put any tubes in without using endoscopy. I got a nice sterling silver one, and I never take it off.
   — Lynn K.

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