Please help with suggestions for variety on full liquids.

I am exactly 1 week post-op and on full liquids. I am already getting tired of the usuals--mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, baby food, etc. I would love any suggestions as I will be on this for a few weeks. Also I find I am hesitant to go to too much trouble for such small servings. Maybe I am just lazy. Thanks so much.    — Dot W. (posted on September 29, 1999)

September 29, 1999
Be happpy you're on mush! Full liquids for us was sugar free popsicles, jello, juices, and broth. You've got FOOD! Puree some chili. Yumm! You can puree foods? The possibilities are endless. No sugar, though.
   — vitalady

September 29, 1999
what are u thinking? did u not read ur diet plan, you are already eating full liquids, i think u need to reevaluate your eating habits and see a dietitian.
   — [Anonymous]

September 29, 1999
I did a lot of blended soup because you have a large variety of flavors to choose from.
   — dboat

September 29, 1999
Diane, I understand where your coming from, I wanted something that tasted like "home" ... like real food. Some solutions that I came up with were buying the flavored instant mashed potatoes ... I am a homecooking kind of girl, but these are pretty good. Something else that tasted really good to me was cream of chicken soup, it can also be used as a "gravy" on your potatoes. Make sure you check all diet choices with your doctor! Good luck, and remember that it is only 6 weeks ... and the results last a lifetime, also remember that your worth the time it takes to make you something that you will enjoy and will be good for you. Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much M
   — Mary Anne M.

September 29, 1999
First, dont pay any attention to anonymous. Must be nice to have so many thoughts that are critical and not reveal your name. Some nerve. Second, all docs are different in what they send home diet wise for their patients. I think you are doing fine. Myself, I went to the BTC in Illinois and was put on full liquids the second and third week. No this did not consist of mashed potatoes, but it did allow me to puree soups, like pea and bean with bacon since these are higher in protein than lets say cream of chicken or mushroom or broccoli. You can also have Instanct Carnation Breakfast sugar free and puddings that are sugar free. Blue Bunny also makes a wonderful fat free sugar free chocolate ice cream. There are also sugar free fudgesicles out there that are awesome. But, if you like alot of flavor, stick to the soups. They fill you up more than the yogurt too. Also, for added protein, we were told to add a couple tablespoons of instanct powder milk to yogurt. 3 additional T gives a 4.5 grams of protein added. Plus add 1/2 cup to your pudding mix. The small box, 2 cups milk and 1/2 cup powder milk. Good luck to you. Sounds like you are doing great.
   — Laura L.

September 30, 1999
Use some mashed potato flakes in your soups, i.e., cream of chicken, (Healthy Request, etc.) chicken noodle. Yum, yum, tastes as though you are dining on a rich, creamy soup.
   — Sandy C.

September 30, 1999
Hi. A few more suggestions would be jello, pudding, Carnation Instant Breakfast, something that might not sound too good but is very delicious is pureed Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Good luck.
   — Kathy K.

September 30, 1999
The liquid diet gets old real quick but as you know it's for the best. The portion size is not great either but, speaking from experience, you don't want to know what it feels like to take in too much. It just comes right back up. Since you are already eating baby food, save some of the jars because they are the perfect size. I bought lots of soups, even the ones with noodles or stars and just strained out the liquid. The vegetable soups were really good because they tasted even better, of course without the veggies. I also purchased a small ice shaving machine and a couple of syrups. That really came in handy when I wanted something sweet. And a small amount of syrup goes a long way. Popsicles! I'm 5 weeks post op and I'm still eating lots of popsicles. My surgeon also suggested slim fast or protein drinks. I have a juicer so I also made my own homemade juices. Jello-O. All the jello-o flavors I could get my hands on. I dont' know if you are experiencing what I was experiencing but I was going through some major CHEWING withdrawals. I wanted to CHEW!!! Finally, I gave in to my urge but I did it this way: I would fill up on what I was supposed to have (the liquids) and then when the rest of the family was eating something I would serve myself a little and just chew the heck out of it. I wouldn't swallow it though. That's the ugly secret but I have learned from other patients that they also did this. They key phrase is: DON'T SWALLOW THAT SOLID FOOD!!! Just chewing that food helped me get through those rough times when I wanted to go back to old habits but knew better. I was able to get to 3 1/2 weeks before I actually got up the nerve to swallow a small bit of sandwich. It's not easy. Not at all. It's so difficult at times but the payoffs are better than ANY diet you've ever tried. In my moments of temptation, I was wishing I had someone to call to talk me through it. Almost like a sponsor for an alcoholic. It is much the same. So, if you ever need anyone to talk you through those times, email me! I check my mail everyday. Sometimes twice a day. Back to those baby food jars. Fill them up with the things you can eat and put them in the fridge so when you are ready to eat again you can just grab from a variety of things. I don't know if you like Cream of Wheat or Malt-O-Meal, but those are okay too if you keep them thinned out. Well, I hope I have helped you a little. Drop me a line if you would like to talk. Address: [email protected] You CAN do it! Take care!
   — Talullah

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