How are you post-ops getting enough calcium?

My surgery is coming up fast and I am confused about getting enough calcium daily. I take extra supplements along with skim milk 2 or 3 times daily to stay ahead. My family history has osteoperosis (sp) and I do not want to risk any problems. Are supplements enough? Thank you.    — Dot W. (posted on September 7, 1999)

September 7, 1999
I take vita4life vitamins they have all the requirements for vitamins. They were made especially for bariatric patients. I haven't had my first blood work yet, we will find out then if I require any additional vitamins. Hope this helps. Another source I have been told about for calcium is Tums.
   — bperrin

September 7, 1999
I take 1500mg elemental calcium in pills. 3 pills does it. My husband uses Twin Lab's CalQuick liquid. 1 Tblsp gives him the same. We consume NO milk whatsoever, so this is our ONLY source of calcium and our labs look great and have for 5 and 4 years, respectively. We've also tried chewable variations, but neither of us enjoy them.
   — vitalady

September 7, 1999
I am supposed to get 1000mg a day and, since I don't dump I take that chewable chocolate calcium. Calci-yuuummmmmmmmmm!!!!
   — terri S.

September 8, 1999
Good question. I don't know the answer. I have never read that bariatric surgery patients have a particular problem with calcium or osteoporesis. The only way to check that I know of is to get the bone densitometry test on a periodic basis. my guess is that a distal roux en y bypass would lose more calcium than a proximal one. the duodenal switch operation would also be more apt to lose calcium.
   — Bruce B.

September 8, 1999
My doc requires us to take 2 tums 2 x per day. 4 tums in all per day, not for the antiacid effect though thats a plus, but Sugar Free Tums, or the Generic Version is the cheapest way to get all your calcium in.
   — Sherrie G.

September 8, 1999
That's IT!! Vivactiv or whatever it is called. Makes taking calcium an absolute treat!
   — terri S.

September 28, 1999 is a source for complete vitamin, mineral supplement. If you are a distal bypass you will need to take 1 pack of 12 a day, a medial bypass takes 8 per day and a proximal takes only 4. It is loaded with calcium so you should be in good shape with these. I have used these since surgery and feel GREAT. If at first the caps are too big just empty the powder into applesauce and take it that way. works good and doesn't taste bad. Good luck
   — Anna D.

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