if you have a history of blood does that mean you will always get them

I had open chest surgery after 3 days they sent me home , 5 days after that I developed a bloodcot in my neck. sent me back to the hosp 5 days on heprin. Sent me home with comadin for six months, Now if I have this wls will this repeat itself again, BSCLA59626    — BARBARA S. (posted on June 28, 1999)

April 28, 2001
Ask your doctor about Factor V(five) Leiden Mutation disease...I have been recently diagonsed with this genetic disease and will FOREVER be on coumiden. My surgeon suggests that I have a GREEN FIELD FILTER installed prior to the Gastric Bypass Surgery. Talk to your doctor. This blood test is expensive (if you do not have the insurance), but it might save your life.
   — Donna G.

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