I am desperate - can you help?

I have a wonderful doctor but my insurance won't cover. All my appeals have failed. I need ANY help or assistance in hearing how others pay for this. I won't be defeated. I live in California. Can any one offer advice or help? I have tried everything.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 17, 1999)

June 18, 1999
Sorry your insurance company is being Walter Lindstrom at the Obesity Law and Advocacy Center. He helps cases like yours for a very nominal fee and rarely ever loses! Visit his Best of luck to you...with the law on your side they have to pay!
   — Johanna H.

June 18, 1999
While at Dr. Fobi's office I saw a brochure for a "Health Charge Payment Plan." 1-800-323-9621. Maybe this will help. Lynda
   — Lynda B.

June 18, 1999
Have you written an appeal letter yourself. If not, do so and remind them that the AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT precludes them from denying medical care to anyone with a disability. The federal government through the social security program has recognized morbid obesity as a disability. In fact, Medicare pays for this surgery. Tricare, a branch of Champus, the military insurance pays for this procedure. The NIH has endorsed the procedure as being effective. John's Hopkins Medical Center and the Mayo Clinic have taken the position that this is the only effective treatment for morbid obesity. Explain that by denying you treatment, they may be in violation of this Act. That usually stirs them up. I agree - go to Walter Lindstrom's site and he has some tips as well.
   — Deborah L.

June 20, 1999
I got a personal loan from my bank with no problem. There is a medical financing company called JayHawk. They may be able to help.
   — Donna D.

October 13, 2004
Hi I was having trouble getting the money to pay for my plastic surgery and was searching and searching and wasting money on programs when I came across the one I used. I had the money to pay for my surgery within 30 days and all it cost me was 11.50 to get started. Heres the address.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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