I was wondering how can I get rid of the cellulite on my legs?

I am losing weight very rapidly and I want to know what I can do to get rid of the cellulite on my legs, and I also want to know how long do I have to wait until I can do stomach crunches? It seems as if I am losing every where else except my stomach. Is it still swolen from the surgery or is it a slow process? By the way I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op    — Kristen C. (posted on June 11, 1999)

June 11, 1999
Give yourself a little time, there. The cellulite will go away over time with lots and lots of exercise. 3 1/2 weeks is asking for a bit too much. I think I started doing sit ups at about eight weeks. I didn't want to push it and didn't want to end up with a hernia, either. Check with you surgeon and see what time frame he recommends.
   — dboat

June 11, 1999
My we're anxious aren't we :) The best advice I can give is to talk to your doctor, only he/she knows how you've progressed in your healing and what you are able to begin doing.
   — Sherrie G.

June 13, 1999
Have Patience!! .... Talk to your Doc in regard to the crunches, you do not want to end up with incisional hernias. I'm not sure how old you are or how much weight you have to lose, but I am 36 and have lost 225 lbs... I work out alot and have been since the beginning. Due to the fact that I was so large for so long, my legs are pretty saggy, but they would be alot worse if I did not workout. Remember to work your upper body as well, hand weights & such or you will end up with a pear shaped body. I know that sounds backwards, but body fat moves up and out, so in order to lose evenly you need to exercise your entire body. Good luck, and remember ... have patience Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

October 9, 1999

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