Does anyone know of any support groups near Margate, FL?

   — shana1569 (posted on August 15, 2005)

August 15, 2005
I don't have any wonderful words of wisdom but I do know exactly what you are going through. If you really pay attention to who is making the comments you will see a trend. It is usually someone who is not perfect or happy with them selves and someone who that is overweight a bit. All in is ALMOST always from someone that is harboring a bit (or a lot) of jealously in their hearts. I notice that even though people were concerned with our health when we were overweight they are not comfortable with having us thinner then they are. Does any of this make since? They also do not realize that we are not 100% sure of our self confidence and the comments are really taken to heart. Finding someone to talk to would help for sure. You will have to try hard to become very self assured and try to let all of the jealous comments roll off your back. YOU DESERVE the way you look....walk tall and proud girl!!! Best of luck... Julie S. 5'3 265/140/135 open rny 4may04 TT 16may05
   — J. Stinard

August 15, 2005
There is a wonderful group that seems to have helped many of my surgeon's(Dr. Wizman's)patients.It is a post-op therapy support group.They meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:45 until 8:00pm. It's held at The Renfrew Center in Coconut Creek. That's near Hillsboro and Lyons. This group is a therapy group and addresses therapy issues. It is a free, Drop-In group. To find directions, go to
   — Sunshine

August 16, 2005
I know exactly how you feel. I have gone through all the negative comments when I was skinny after college, after gaining weight with a major illness, and all the bad mouthing and looks that say "what a fatso" when the person is too chicken to actually make the verbal comment. Unfortunately, a lot of those comments came from my family. So now when I am getting slim and have issues with major baggy skin (yes, plastics will definately be done) I have a horrible self image and idea of what people think. My boyfriend is the most supportive and gets frustrated that I have such a bad self image. It is a battle that all of us who have had the negative comments all our lives will all have to face. I have found that talking to my counselor, and my boyfriend and only listening to the opinions of those people that really count (my true friends, and the people that really love me) helps. Just remember there is a whole army of us out there on your side. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Hugs Kimberley
   — sabrekittie

August 16, 2005
Hi Shana, I just want to say that at 5'5" and 140lbs you are probably just about the right size and probably look great, especially after all your plastic surgeries. Try not to listen to the critisizers. They don't know what the hech they are talking about. Be proud of how you are taking care of yourself. Start saying positive affirmations daily - My favorite is "I am awake, I am alive, and I feel great!!!!" You can add and I look fantastic to that too!!! Good luck, cathy
   — catleth

August 16, 2005
Hi Shana, I too live in Margate. I think finding counseling is a good choice. You need to live for yourself and not others. I was once told that people can say whatever they want but it's my perception of what they say, my agreeing to what they say or not that makes it bother me or not! If these are close friends then tell them that they are unintentionally hurting your feelings. I recently had Lap RNY. I was recently talking to a family member who told me to get off the soapbox. I just turned around and told her that if she does not want to be part of my up mood that I will no longer converse with her about it. But not to bring it up either. Don't ask me how much I've lost, heck don't even ask me how I am doing because everything will revert back to my WLS. You need to surround yourself with more positive people. Be proud of your accomplishments with your WLS and don't pay attention to negative comments. Next time they say something tell them "If you can't say anything positive or nice then keep it to youself" Please feel free to contact me. I hope I helped you some. ~Rebel Lady~
   — RebelLady

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