I'm 16 months out and 110lb down. I'm concern about not being approved...

for plastic surgery. Is there anything or anyway I could cheat in oder to be approved. anything will help. How to fake a rash... Anything :) :)    — Marie V. (posted on March 5, 2005)

March 5, 2005
I did not have any rashes just hanging skin and, believe it or not, BC/BS FED PPO approved my surgery. I could not believe it because they said that they only approved plastics for congenital abnormalities or something that was the result of a surgery. I called them and said that this was the result of having my gastric bypass and they told me to get the doctor to send the pictures and they sent me a form for them to fill out and it was approved within 30 days. Sometimes you just have to take your chances and READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY. There are always loop holes.
   — CAMFR

March 5, 2005
Coming from someone who has to fight a yeast infection in my bellybutton on a daily basis, has open sores on my hanging stomach, and gets rubbed abrasions on both my stomach and legs where they touch whenever I walk a lot. I am FURIOUS and appauld that you would consider faking a rash. First off, that is total insurance fraud...second because of the mass of people finagling there information to get PS some insurance companies have starting putting in exclusions for abdomniplasty and panniculectomies (mine being one of them). So before you go looking for a way to fake a rash, thank GOD that you are not actually suffering like some of us. And if you are suffering from the excess skin in some other way, use those legitmate reasons to try and get approval, and don't LIE!!!
   — Sarahlicious

March 6, 2005
This website is for support of the morbidly obese. It's not a website to discuss how to break the law and commit insurance fraud. Shame on you for asking for help with something that is illegal.
   — Shayna T.

March 6, 2005
Marie, Now that you certainly look fantastic, just seduce a plastic surgeon! He will do the job for you free! Love and good luck anyway, Solveig REY
   — Solveig

March 7, 2005
Marie, I have to agree with the prior post. It is because of people who lie and fake to get their way, that the others who really have a medical necessity have to fight to get what we NEED. I apologize if this sounds harsh but you certainly knew about the excess skin before you began this journey - and because you do not let us view your profile then we have no idea how much you have actually been through to get as far as you have but from your opening statement it appears you have done very well to have lost 116lbs, I congratulate you on that. I plead with you to reconsider trying to fake or lie to anyone - just be honest and submit what you can to your insurance company and see what happens first and if you get denied then try again, in the meantime, save some cash up for the excess skin that REALLY bothers you and in the end I am sure you will feel better about yourself if you knew you succeeded as far as you did by being honest, especially with yourself. GOOD LUCK!
   — Kelly MzKelz Valdez

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