Two years post-op - What vitamins and supplements are we supposed to be taking?

I am two years post-op, and I have always been lax in my vitamin/supplement regiment. However, I have committed myself to taking the vitamins and supplements that I should be as a post-op. I had the roux-en-y procedure done, proximal. What should I be taking? Thanks!    — raye (posted on February 18, 2005)

February 18, 2005
You definitely want a B12 supplement and a multivitamin or iron supplement. You do NOT want to become anemic. If you become anemic, you are prone to heart attacks, strokes, and a host of other problems. I know. I suffered a light stroke in October for this very reason!
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 18, 2005
I'm over 3 years post-op and I take a pre-natal vitamin and trinsicon everyday. Both are prescription drugs. I haven't had any problems.
   — Patty H.

February 18, 2005
A good multi (not a children's chewable), iron (try not to get the sulfate, it can upset your tummy and cause constipation), Vit C to help the iron absorb better, B-12 (shot or sublingual, pills do not work), and calcium citrate. Add others based on your individual lab results.
   — Ali M

February 18, 2005
Go to they are the best.
   — bansheeire

February 18, 2005
I think that question is best answered by your labwork (time to have that done if it's been awhile). There are certain things that many of us take, like B-12, calcium, iron, multivitamins . . . but not all of us take all of those, and some take a lot of some of that and less of other stuff, and some of us take other stuff too. At 2 years post-op . . . I'd get detailed labs done ASAP to find out what supplementation you need, and I'd have a baseline dexascan (bone density scan) done as well to see how you're faring there . . . and then another one in a year, at the same time of year, to see if the density's holding steady.
   — Suzy C.

February 19, 2005
I have a really good attachment that I can send you with a thorough listing of what tests that we should be having done. That will help indicate what you need to be taking. If you would like it, just email me and I will send it. Junith
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 19, 2005
Raye, the first place to start is with your primary care doctor and - yourself. Educate yourself on what you should be taking and what labs you need. No one here is qualified to tell you exactly what you need to be taking. For instance, at 27 months out, I take sublingual B12 with folic acid 3 times per week and my blood levels stay well above normal. I also take extra Vitamin C, Vitamin E magnesium, B-complex vitamins,a multivitamin and Calcium citrate. I take extra iron one week per month (too much iron can also be bad.) You need to be your own advocate at this point.
   — koogy

February 20, 2005
I'm about 2 years post op and these are the vitamins I take: Caltrate 600 Plus Chewables (2 a day), Sugar Free Bugs Bunny (2 a day), GNC B-12 1000 - Cherry flavor sugar free (1 a day goes under the tongue). I'm also taking liquid iron my doctor is making me take. I blood count was very low after surgery (complete body lift) and now I'm taking liquid iron 2 x a day). When I make my protein drink in the morning I add one tablespoon of Omega Oil (doesn't taste fishy at all), add my protein powder, one teaspoon of L-Glutamine powder (amino acid) helps with the muscles. Maybe that is why I recovered so quickly from my last surgery (complete body lift) had very little pain.
   — Linda R.

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