When you press on your

I am 2 plus years post-op and post op 5 c-sections. I noticed that in the last couple of months that when I press up against a counter I hear "water" and I can feel my "insides" move about. It is loud, tho no pain. I did call my MD so please don't harp me on that. Just wondering if my is my stomach wall that weak? I also can manually sqeeze me stomach baggage and cause the sound as well. Please only respond if you are aware of this condition. Thanks in advance.    — train (posted on January 6, 2005)

January 6, 2005
Sounds like you have a hernia. When I had my first hernia last January my surgeon leaned down to listen to my tummy because you could hear the bowel sound with out a stethoscope and i could play and push there and get the sounds.
   — catleth

January 6, 2005
I saw my cat scan of my abdominal wall and could not believe how thin it was,not surprising we can hear these sounds..I also had a hernia but it was a definate bulge.If I layed down flat ,nothing,start to sit up , there was the bulge.I wish someone would have told me I had to be careful lifting etc after this surgery. I never ever again want a hernia.
   — Kathy S.

January 7, 2005
I read this question with a lot of interest because I have noticed the same thing ever since surgery and had no idea what it was or why, but have never said anything because I didn't know whether it was just a normal result of the rerouted anatomy or what. When you state that it sounds like a hernia, a hernia where? When I had my surgery, I had a pretty large hiatal (lower esophageal) hernia repaired that I didn't even know I had. So, is this now possibly a lower abdominal type hernia??? Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this, but I'm hoping this helps answer the original poster's questions (as well as mine) in more detail, too, if anybody knows more and can share. Much appreciated!
   — hesterrl

January 7, 2005
It sounds like a hernia to me too. That's the way my stomach sounded for a year and a half after surgery. I had a huge incisional hernia..had it repaired and all is well
   — debmi

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