I am 5 weeks out

I am feeling depressed. I can't understand it. I should be so happy. I am doing well. I have lost 25 lbs. so far have had no complications. I have a wondeful husband and family. why is this happening. I heard from a lot of people that this was part of post op for a lot of people. I am on lexapro. my dr. upped my dosage from 10mg. yesterday. I just want to hear from others who might have felt this way after surgery. I know my body is going thru changes but it's not like I am wanting to eat bad things. of course I miss some things but not to where I constantly think about junk food. I walk 3 x a week but still feel so down and not myself. any help would be great. melinda    — taterbug898 (posted on January 5, 2005)

January 5, 2005
Hang on for the long ride. After my wls surgery I think I was jeckel one minute nad then hyde the next, There were times I couldnt stand myself, so I know I was a B**** to be around, way worse than usual. I think its because we are burning fat so fast and when fat is burned estrogen is released, so we get a wonderful...NOT,lol harmone imbalance. Reasure your hubby and kids and anyone else who may be near you that the way you are acting is because you are loosing weight so fast, and it will GO AWAY thank GOD. I thought I was loosing my mind and I guess its been since several months ago and my daughter politely reminded me that I was impossable to live with, but now my family tells me what a differance, and how my attiude has changed to even better than before wls, and I guess its because I finally like myself :0) Good luck to you, it will get better. Rosemary
   — wizz40

January 5, 2005
I experienced quite a high post surgery then hit quite a low. I too take lexapro and I take it, never slacking off. I think a low swing is very typical and ok. Mine passed quickly.
   — klloyd1

January 5, 2005
I am Linda, just 16 days post-op, but feeling happy and positive. The message I would like to pass on has nothing to do with our surgery. My husband left me some years ago for another woman. I was destroyed, could not finish law school, and eventually through no fault of my own, lost my youngest daughter. What I want to say, is that you so easily take for granted the very things I would give my right arm to have back. Good luck!
   — lindarodham6

January 5, 2005
Melinda, Hi. I am about 11weeks post op and I totally understand how you feel. I am so happy about having my surgery and I know I am very fortunate, but I am sad. I don't have any 'get up and go'. Today I didn't want to get out of bed, and that was at 2pm. I don't know why I feel this way, I will talk to my surgeon tomorrow. If I get any good info I will be sure to let you know. Good luck! Amber
   — septembergirl73

January 6, 2005
Take it easy on your self. You are still recovering from very major surgery. Depression is not a matter of just choosing it , there is a chemical balance involved. I remember suffering form post partum depression and being told I just wasn't appreciating the good things in my life. I ended up suffering for over a year, when If I had appropriate information and help it could have been helped with medication. It may take a couple weeks for your eds to be effective. This also is not just and ordinary surgery like getting an appendix removed where you heal and move on back to normal. Your whole life will be changing and you will be experienceing a lot of new differnt things. Even tho it is good losing the weight, it does change how people interact with you. It also changed, for me, because food was a major coping mechanism for me and that cannot be the case any more. If you continue to feel depressed you might want to talk to a therapist as well as re- evaluating your medication doseage. Good luck and hugs to you!
   — **willow**

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