Will I really have a flat tummy?

Maybe I need some reassurance here: I just cannot believe that my tummy will actually be flat after the TT. I have a TT (skin removal, mon lift and muscle tightening)scheduled for Jan. 28th, and I have complete confidence in my PS. But it just seems unreal that I will not have rolls or loose skin or whatever. Can someone reassure me about this?    — lizinPA (posted on December 15, 2004)

December 15, 2004
Hi! It is true that all the fat and rolls will be gone. It is absolutely amazing. I have seen different degrees of "flatness" on different people, but absolutely worth it. For example, I have seen pictures of people that are truly "flat as a pancake," and then some that weren't quite as flat, but still absolutely no rolls of fat or skin. Best wishes!
   — raye

December 15, 2004
I had my tummy tuck done just over 4 months ago and never could have imagined the results. I have a flat tummy and my hip bones actually stick out a little. Plus I still have about 20 pounds left that I would like to lose, that has been a long losing battle. You should be very happy with the results.
   — ckreh

December 15, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty done in August of 2002. I have about a 25 inch waist now. My stomach is still just as flat as the day they completed the surgery. It was TRULY a life changing surgery. I look at myself COMPLETELY differently now and my body looks VERY different after the surgery. I don't have any rolls or loose skin either. Good luck to you.
   — Patty H.

December 15, 2004
It depends, I am a little loose above the belly button. When I look around at all the bare bellys at the health club, mine is not the same as the little 20 somethings running around with great muscle definition. when I am standing it is indeed as flat as a pancake. However, my skin does not look the same as a person who was always small. It lacks that elasticity. I am also 44 years old so that may also make a difference. when I bend or sit, it still looks a little wrinkly. The improvement is dramatic, but rarely will someone look just like an always thin person. I am very short, and have a short body, my hip bones are about 1 inch from the lower edge of my ribcage, so I have very little curve to my waist. with the muscle tightening I have a little curve, but I am still pretty straight up and down. I am 3 months post LBL, and I am still tender around my belly button in the muscles. I am just getting to where I can do ab exercises semi comfortably. I have not been pushing it, wanting them to heal well. I have been walking since day one and doing an hour of cardio pretty much 4-5 days a week since week 6. Good luck to you. My best advice, to heal fast and feel better fast is get moving asap after surgery.
   — **willow**

December 15, 2004
At my pre-op consultation, my plastic surgeon told me I was "going to look fantastic" after she did my abdominoplasty. I said I would be happy with "not as bad as before". Needless to say - she was right! Like willow, I am short, so not a lot of curviness, and I am 48 years old, but, thanks to a 26 year old co-worker's suggestion, I am wearing ultra low cut junior size pants and jeans, which sit below the waist on me, and tend to give me a bit more of a wasitline illusion. Yep, my stomach is flat and I could not be happier.(Love to look at my profile in a mirror!) I had a spare tire above my waist and well as a pannus, and I still cannot believe the change. I still have another 30 lbs I would like to lose. Since I now look better, feel better - I have more confidence and I have been able to kick start my weight loss again (after 2+ years). Now that I dress a little "younger" and more fashionably, I am getting more compliments on how much weight I have lost! This was the second best thing I ever did for myself - the first was WLS. Oh, yeah, not only is my stomach flat - it's also firm!The pain of this surgery will be well worth the results!
   — koogy

December 16, 2004
Yes, such thoughts seem unreal, but they're not. I seriously thought my PS would find some kinda giant tumor, or sneaky, or just plain undiscovered, medical-journal-worthy, extra-large internal organs of some sort in me, because how the heck could ALL that be accounted for by just skin, distended muscle and stubborn fat? 'Twas, though.<P>I wish I could think of something cautionary to say about my LBL, but to sum up: "WheeeeeEEEEeeee!" :-D
   — Suzy C.

December 16, 2004
My abdominoplasty was done in August. I was pulled pretty tight, but like willow, I do have a bit of loose skin. I was heavy for a good part of my life, as well as having had a pregnancy. All my weight was in the belly area, and I think that due to that and my age (47), my skin is just not as elastic as younger and some other post-ops. I am thrilled though, as I went down 1 size as a result, and now where size 4 low rise jeans from Old Navy and the Gap. I am not held back rom wearing almost anything except a bikini, and that is due more to the loose skin on my inner thighs than the skin that has stretched on my upper abdomen. When I stand or lay down I am flat, but do see skin on my upper abdomen when I am sitting. I am though, very happy with my result, but in the back of my mind, if I thought it would be covered by insurance, would love to "tighten up" the bit of skin that stretched out.
   — Fixnmyself

December 17, 2004
Hi Beth, Here's my story about TT. 3 weeks ago I had a complete lower lift which included an adominalplasty. Well all I wanted was to finally see my belly button from just looking down, Guess what I have a belly button it's cool. I also had my breast fixed they look great as for my belly I think I was really excepting a flat no skin stomach not that I am not happy with it but I thought above my belly button would be flat it is but it is loose and I have alot of swelling still to go down but the nurse says it looks great don't get me wrong I do love it and would do it again tomorrow but I just thought it would be tight at the top but hey I have a belly button my but was lifted and I have boobs and other areas were lifted that needed it to. So all in all I am happy I just wish I could my drain tubes out I started with 4 and are down to 2 of them hopefully monday they will come out along with my stitches good luck email me if you have any question at [email protected]
   — angela S.

December 19, 2004
Hi. My goal as a PS is to certainly try and get all rolls gone! Upper belly/lower chest rolls are difficult, so look at photos of folks who started out like you. Weight loss patients are challenging...the skin stretching and loss of elsaticity that has occured over many years make a "perfect" result much harder!
   — DrL

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