What is the recovery like for a tummy tuck without muscle tightening?

I am having a tummy tuck without any muscle tightening tomorrow. I have scanned the internet and I can't find anything about the recovery time or pain associated with a tummy tuck without muscle repair. Am I wrong to assume that the recovery will be easier since my muscles won't be involved? The doctor will be removing the extra skin and fat and relocating my belly button. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!    — Alicia K. (posted on December 1, 2004)

December 1, 2004
I had a tummy tuck with no muscle tightening on 8/11/04. I took two weeks off work from my desk job and then worked two weeks at 1/2 and 3/4 days. I found that I would swell up when I tried to sit at my desk too long and the swelling would be very uncomfortable. The pain wasn't that bad. I was off the pain pills in about 7-9 days. I couldn't stand up straight for about a week. I had more pain and soreness from my drain sites. My belly button was relocated and looks great. I am very happy with my results so far. Good luck to you tomorrow.
   — ckreh

December 1, 2004
Dear Kelly, The total recovery for the TT is between 4 to 6 weeks. The first two weeks can be quite uncomfortable. Usually the worst part of the initial phase are the drains that stay in 3 to 10 days depending on the output. If the two rectus muscle are not seperated and don't need to be repaired, the recovery should be significantly faster. I recommend to my patients that they can take 400-600mg of Motrin/Advil/Ipuprofen 3 - 4x per day with some food inbetween the pain pills. Good luck with your surgery! I hope this information was useful. - Joshua Kreithen, M.D. - Lakewood Ranch Plastic Surgery, Bradenton FL -
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

December 1, 2004
I was off work 4 weeks.
   — star .

December 1, 2004
This seems to be one thing that varies greatly by person. I had fairly extensive plastic surgery (extended abdominoplasty with muscle tightening, brachioplasty, hernia repair, liposuction and the skin removed that flabbed over the sides of my bra) all in one session. I took pain medication the night of my surgery, though I wasn't in much pain, and then didn't need so much as a Tylenol after. I had surgery on a Thursday, came home from the hospital on Sunday and then began working half time from home on Monday. I could easily have returned to work before two weeks, but my surgeon insisted on nearly three weeks, though by that point I was working pretty much full time from home and even going in to the office for an occasional meeting. By far, the most bothersome thing to me was the JP drains. I had those for many weeks after surgery. They didn't hurt--they just felt foreign and were difficult to hide in clothes. I started out with seven drains, came home from the hospital with five, and gradually got rid of those beginning two weeks after surgery. I think I had the last one until about six weeks after surgery. I'm not kidding when I say that I've had a harder time getting over the flu than I did with this set of surgeries. But, I don't think my experience is common--it seems most people have more discomfort than I did, but I offer my experience has hope that your recovery will be easy. Best wishes. (And you're going to love your new look!)
   — Vespa R.

December 3, 2004
I would just like to say that I am assuming Dr. Joshua must be referring to patients that have not had gastric bypass surgery when he says to take motrin, ibuprofen, etc. As someone who has had marginal ulcers, we know that we shouldn't be taking any of that stuff. It is too hard on our tummys.
   — Melody B.

December 4, 2004
Hi. Hope you are doing well as you ahve already had surgery! The muscle tightening is the main reason for pain, so hopefully you are comfortable. I have found that the implantable pain pumps that put numbing medication directly on the muscle area really help. Something for others to consider asking about!
   — DrL

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