I take zoloft for panic attacks

I was told by my family doctor this comes in liquid, but has to be mixed with 4 ounces of liquid. I have heard that you can't have liquids right away. I am scared of having a panic attack after the surgery.How is this done right after surgery , because people need their medicines. I know I will need to ask the surgeron, but I just hope the nurses will give me it each day the way I am used to having it. thanks for any advise.    — taterbug898 (posted on November 14, 2004)

November 14, 2004
I worried *For nothing* about taking pills too..No problem at all...Took pills in hospital. One year out and no problems with pills to this day..good luck to you.
   — Kathy S.

November 14, 2004
I take Zoloft. I thought of the same question when I had my Hystorectomy (spelling) My Dr. said that when you take this kind of medication it takes a couple of weeks to get into your system, and the same when they ween you off for another medication. And trust me I have forgotten to take my meds several times and no problems. It was two doays before I could take my zoloft again. It was no problem. Amanda
   — chitown

November 14, 2004
Tell your doctor about your concerns and he will work out a plan for your medication. The surgeon and the anesthesiologist will need to know all about your medications anyway and they are your best resources on determining how you need to get the medication. I wish you the best on your upcoming surgery.
   — scbabe

November 14, 2004
While I don't take Zoloft, I am a Bachelors of Science Nursing student and can help you by letting you know that most every hospital unit has a pill crusher device/machine on their floor, and The Nurses are more than willing to crush them for you if it is allowed in the protocol of use set by the drug manufacturer. We crush meds all the time for people that can not swollow them. (consider, most geriatric patients can no longer swallow well). I hope that you get lucky like I was and could take pills almost from the beginning. Christy Riederer B.S.N/ R.N-S. 264 -108, happy at 156 (30 pounds form goal)
   — Tiny Pixie

November 15, 2004
I also had panic attacks ... when the day of surgery .. spoke to the anesthesolgoist and my doctor and they new what to do after that .. my mediciation was given to me crushed .. had no problems taking them ....I am 8 months out of surgery .. and do not take the bills at all .. take care .. God Bless!
   — lorraine R.

November 15, 2004
Keep in mind that Zoloft WILL kick your appetite into overdrive. You may want to ask your doc aboutalternatives.
   — George B.

November 16, 2004
I know that paxil has a liquid but I still didn't have any problems taking it:):) Though Zanax makes me sooooo very hungry Sharon
   — Talnkiss

November 16, 2004
I know that paxil has a liquid but I still didn't have any problems taking it:):) Though Zanax makes me sooooo very hungry Sharon
   — Talnkiss

November 18, 2004
I have always taken xanax for panick attacks, and this was easy to take after surgery.....
   — sheri H.

November 23, 2004
Melinda, it looks like you have gotten some really good answers. You should talk to your wls doctor about this concern, he/she will know what to do. I was taking pills the 1st day after surgery. They worked them into my schedule so that I did not fill up on the liquid. You will start drinking the day of surgery, little sips or at least I was able to. If not the day of surgery the day after. Try and not let this concern get you down, it will all work out in the end. This is my sisters name and mine is Michelle Etter, if you would like a support person, email me and I would be glad to be here for you. My email address is [email protected] or yahoo messenger is mletter_1999. Anyone else that would like to have a support person just email me I would be glad to help in any way I can. I am a firm believer in this surgery.
   — linda E.

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