Anyone been approved w/bmi<40 & ibw<100? I'm 85#> w/comorbities.
— kwilson (posted on September 18, 2004)
September 19, 2004
Yes, I have a BMI of 38 and was approved by United Health Care. I have
minimum Co-morbids. I think it depends on your insurance company.
— imgabbie
September 19, 2004
My DH had a BMI of 38.2 and was approved on appeal. The criteria was also
changed to include those with a BMI less than 40 with co-morbidities
'"and so forth". It can be done!
— koogy
September 20, 2004
My BMI is 38+-, but stressed my skektol issues (back sugeries) as well
as,family history. I was approved after a two week wait. Read my profile
for additional details. I find that BC/BS CareFirst are pretty good if your
employer has the WLS in it's employee coverage plan. Good Luck!
— Sally C.
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