Anyone have trouble getting a tummy tuck because of RNY and open gallbladder scars
My surgeon is concerned the tummy tuck scar could cross these two scars and create a triangle of skin cut off from blood supply. Anyone else face this and if so was some alternative incision used or did you just give up? — Belinda H. (posted on July 14, 2004)
July 13, 2004
Belinda, my surgeon told me exactly the same thing. I am scheduled for
September 23rd. I am going back to see him before then. He said he could
definitely get rid of the lower "apron" and would do what he
could with the upper part. He said I would look much better and my clothes
would fit better. Alsp, I have heard other people that had multiple scars
(WLS, gallbladder and C-section) and they say that everything went great.
My surgeon has a wonderful reputation and I trust him very much and I know
he will do a great job. Sherry
— Sherry P.
July 13, 2004
It must be just the way your PS is going to do your TT. Mine (and alot of
PS do) what they call an anchor cut... this goes from hip to hip but it
also went down from breast to public... This in fact didnt CROSS my RNY and
it actually made my RNY scar smaller.
— star .
July 13, 2004
I don't know, but couldn't he excise the old scars if he is worried about
blood supply?
— koogy
July 14, 2004
I'm assuming you are not getting an anchor incision. I had the anchor
incision and both my open WLS/drain/g-tube scars and former LAP gallbladder
scars were removed. The only scars I have now are from the PS's I've had.
Many people just get the horizontal cut and it ends up going across their
WLS scar and there haven't been problems so I wouldn't sweat it. If your
PS is super concerned about it then I would find another PS that is used to
dealing with WLS patients. JMO
— zoedogcbr
July 14, 2004
I had an anchor-incision TT and couldn't be more pleased! At first, I
fretted about the large vertical incision from breastbone to pubic area and
thought, "well, so much for my tiny little lap RNY scars!"
However, the plastic surgeon explained that all those little incision sites
PLUS my huge diagonal scar from the traditional gall bladder surgery from
years ago, would be completely removed with the TT surgery. I traded
several scars for one long one which is now only a fine white line....not
even noticeable when I wore a tankini last summer! Not everyone needs or
benefits from an anchor seems to work best for those of us
who were pretty apple-shaped and carried alot of our weight above the
bellybutton. Ask your surgeon about all your options and it might be worth
the time and effort to seek a second opinion just to ease your mind. Best
— Diana T.
July 16, 2004
Many thanks to all who answered...I will discuss this with my surgeon
further. All of his patients (that I've known) have only had the extended
bikini line incision. But then, most of them don't already have the scars
we have.
— Belinda H.
July 23, 2004
Hi. The old gallbladder scars are a potential problem for TT. What your
surgeon says about blood supply is correct. I have performed TT with the
scar, but cannot get quite the nice flat results because of the crossing
incisions problem. If your gallbladder scar is so low that it could be
removed, then no problem. This is unusual, however.
— DrL
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