After I eat sometimes I get a felling like my heart is racing. Why

   — Nancy W. (posted on July 9, 2004)

July 8, 2004
The racing heart feeling is sometimes a symptom of dumping. Examine what you've eaten and see if perhaps it's making you dump.
   — Cathy S.

July 8, 2004
THis is most likely a form of dumping. YOu've got to closely look at what you're eating and how fast you're eating it to find the culprit. I get this from fats, sugars, and carbs...jsut depending on when I eat, if I ate protein first or not and how much I eat of something.

July 9, 2004
My Doctor tells me this is a symptom of dumping. When you do this are you eating foods with too much sugar or fat, or are you eating too fast and not chewing enough? I'd watch those things carefully.
   — Sally B.

July 9, 2004
I get this dumping symptom from milk (lactoce-milk sugar), pasta or any white flour product, sugar and even sugar substitute things (ice cream and candy made with splenda). Review what you are eating when you get the symptom.
   — Yolanda J.

July 9, 2004
Nancy, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF DUMPING!! Granted, everyone's body reacts different to different foods but typically a heart that races, nausea/vomiting, profuse sweating, disorientation, horrible abdominal discomfort and a few other symptoms indicate your body is reacting to something you ate.. in other words, you are dumping like a truck! I was rather cocky for a long time because I never dumped. Swore I would never dump because none of my surgeon's patients dump. WELL.. when I was about 10 months postop, I dumped sooo hard! What was the culprit? Sugar free butterscotch pudding. Thought I was gonna DIE!! After that, everything sugar free that I ate made me sick as a dog. I also dump on greasy/saturated fats, dark chicken meat and eggs. It is no fun when it happens...but you learn to figure out what it is that makes you dump and you tend to avoid the stuff that you react to. I go through spurts of dumping. Nothing will make me dump for months and then I suffer with multiple dumping episodes in a week. It can be awful. Hope you don't dump again! Hugs, Kathie in Hawaii (Open RNY 08/07/02...Down 193 Pounds).
   — KathieInHawaii

July 9, 2004
Hi, make sure you're up to date on your labs. I have low potatssium which can cause irregular heart palpatations/heartbeat...I mean I can feel it in my throat. Since I have been on the potassium it's been a lot better. Also I searched on the internet about low potassium and it read that people on high protein/low carb diets, are suseptable to this.
   — Tammy W.

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