Why am i so tired and grumpy

I had surgery over 2 years ago. I lost 135. But for a while now ive been very very very tired. I just feel soooo sleepy all the time. Just getting thru a work day takes alot and at my job im on my feet 8 hours. When i get home im just very mean and grumpy. I just feel to tired to even think much less cook and do all the home things. I try and take vitamins but usually i do forget. I get up at 6 every morning get my son up cook breakfast get us both dressed then we are out the door. I go to work 8 hours later im home. Im home just long enough to cook. Get a bath and then im gone to bed all before 7 or 8. Im just tired of being tired. Anyone ever been like this? What did you do? Is it because im not taking vitamins? Or paying attention to my protein intake? Deanna.... thanks in advance    — Deanna B. (posted on July 8, 2004)

July 8, 2004
Yes, it's because you're not taking your vitamins, plain & simple. Some tough love here, babe, but when were your last labs taken? I'll betcha dollar to donuts (sorry) that your iron is in the toilet, possibly along with your B-12, protein and various other things. You're probably anemic, or heading there. Get thee to a doctor STAT, and make sure he/she runs a full set of labs, including Ferritin. That's usually the first thing to go. You may already be in need of iron infusions, but hopefully, if you get yourself on a good, comprehensive vitamin & protein schedule, you may be able to prevent that. I'm dead serious.
   — Leslie F.

July 8, 2004
Hi Deanna, I just went through the same thing. My PCP did some blood work and I now get B12 injections. That started 2 mos ago, now I am walking 3 miles 4 times a week after working 8 hours a day. I am also able to babysit for my 2 grandkids again. I have upped my protein with shakes and bars everyday. (one of the unexpected side effects of moving and protein is I have lost 6 lbs! See your doc for blood work. Good Luck. Janet
   — Janet R.

July 8, 2004
What do your labs say? Anemia (and osteoporosis) can be a major side affect of this surgery so that's why we have to supplement for life. If you haven't had your labs run, I would have that done. Your levels, especially your iron, are probably out of whack if you haven't been taking vitamins.
   — mom2jtx3

July 8, 2004
My surgeon's office said simply, forgetting our vitamins just isn't an option. I was told 2 multi vitamins plus iron, vitamin A&D, and vitamin b-12 at a minimum--FOR LIFE. You need to get your labs done and find out what's going on and then get back on a good vitamin program. Could be a b-12 deficiency or many other things, but the best thing to do is go get checked out.
   — Cathy S.

July 8, 2004
And I'm standing right behind Leslie, making a deeper frown, even. Since you are RELIANT upon your vites (not food) for some critical elements to literally keep your heart pumping and your brain firing, labs need to be done yesterday. The things we malabsorb are protein, iron, calcium, A, D, E, zinc, B12. If you are not taking your 2 multis, then you can add the whole B-family to that list. And many of these leave PERMANENT damage. Nerves, eyes, brain. And I mean it. For us, in many cases, food is the supplement and the vites are the main source of certain elements. I can send you a list of labs if you need one.
   — vitalady

July 8, 2004
I felt the same way until I got my first vitamin B-12 shot. Congratulations on your weight loss.
   — Donna T.

July 8, 2004
Aside from vitamin and nutrient issues you may have, a couple of other things came to my mind. One - have you ever had your thyroid checked? Hypothyroidism can occur at any time - it can cause overwhelming fatigue, myalgias, depression, withdrawal from social situations and other sorts of innocuous symptoms. Worth looking into. The other thing is - depression. Depression can manifest itself in many different forms, not just by feeling "down". My DH was soooo grumpy, had no energy, and the doc put him on an antidepressant that made a huge difference. I was having problems sleeping, and he put me on a different antidepressant, never thinking that depression might be the problem. My husband says it's nice to have me be "normal" again. (I didn't realize I was not normal before.) You have your hands full, but take some time to take care of you! Hope you feel better soon!
   — koogy

July 9, 2004
Deanna...I agree with all the posters about needing the vitamins and nutritional help forever. Also, the mention of thyroid disease and depression are also manifested by these symptoms. One other thing I have in mind was something that happened in my life with my husband. He was extremely agile and had more energy than anyone I've ever known. When we married he was 55 and I was 32. Suddenly about 3 months after our wedding, he started being tired and sleepy all the time. He didn't feel like doing anything. He owned his own business and was the only person who worked the store so he had to work but would be asleep within minutes of coming home. As it turned out, he had severe heart disease and had to have 5 cardiac bypasses at 6 months after we married. So please, contact your PCP or your surgeon to have all the labs you need and let them help you find out what's wrong. Good luck and God bless.
   — Katherine F.

July 9, 2004
Hi sweetie, first i definately agree with everyone about what they say about depression, and the vits...especially with v's they are very difficult to there some thing you do brush teeth...have a cup of coffee or t in mornong( ya i know some disagree with the caffeen aspect) but what i find is i have a cup of tea every nite...that is when i take my vits...if its brushing your teeth put them beside your tooth brush..put them some where u wont forget..on the table rite where u guys eat breakfast...the other thing i would love to a slow cooker..or cooking some meals ahead and freezing them...skipping some mornings cooking breakfast and have a few quick ready made breakfasts...this will give u sometime where u can just relax. don't know how old your son is but explaining that mom has been really tired lately and needs some time to relax and can't cook breakfast every morning. suggestions, hard biled eggs, sliced up meat. fruit....toaster walfles for son, cereals...cheese, both soft and hard...nite time chilis, soups,cook a chicken and use it for a few meals...ready made salads,,,just put chicken cheese ect in your self some time off in the morning and at nite time will help you some of these things on weekends and days off, are good too...and lots of drinking of good liquids during your day...being deydrated has made me feel very tired and grumpy...and our organs work twice as hard...but along with these things get your blood checked, and see your doc...hope you feel better soon...and don't forget to have some me time....every mom needs a break...hugs Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

July 10, 2004
it could possibly be your iron level. i am 2 years out of surgery and my surgeon told me i am not absorbing iron at all. i have had 2 iron IV infusions in the last 6 months and it is still low. i am tired all the time. i am an registered nurse and i work 12 hour shifts. have your labs checked, maybe you don't absorb iron either. good luck
   — Tammy W.

July 12, 2004
I agree with the others who posted. It could be that you are low on iron, need some B-12, or possibly depression. I would see your PCP and get a blood test. I have been going through the same thing and I haven't had my surgery yet. I hope you start feeling better.
   — Tammy S.

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