Has anyone had wls who ABG test was abnormal

My blood gas test result came back showing my blood oxygen level was low. I range in the 60's normal test range is 90's. Doctor wants to do other test. He states these test are done to look for lung disease and chances are I can't have wls. I do not believe I have any form of lung disease, maybe a little sleep apnea. I do want to have wls.    — msladylexus (posted on June 6, 2004)

June 5, 2004
I'm a nurse and if your blood gases are in the 60's then there has to be a huge problwm with your breathing. Did your doctor do the test after activity or at resting phase. I have never seen o2sat levels in the 60's. You would have to have an obstruction of some sort in your breathing. Do you tire easily and have troubles breathing? Here is a web site to explain to you how the O2 Saturation works in the lungs.
   — imgabbie

June 6, 2004
Another nurse here! I'm thinking that the 60's is for the pO2, not the sa02. My p02 was in the 70's pre-op, normal is 80-100, with most normals in the 90's. The 02 saturation should be 100%, most people it's 96-99 or so....mine was 89. So it depends on which one they were talking about. Basically I was told mine was low because of my size (surprise) It makes sense though, I was trying to breathe with all this extra weight around my chest and so I couldn't fully expand to fill my lungs, therefore everything is lower, my pulmonary function tests were abnormal too, but they said it was what they expected considering my weight. I went to a pulmonologist after mine, and he wasn't worried, cleared me for surgery right if it was your PCP that did the test, get a referal to a pulmonologist and see what they say! Good luck!
   — Sungurl B.

June 6, 2004
Mine were low several years ago and so was tested for sleep apena and was found to have severe obstructive sleep apena a whole lot worse than I ever thought got a CPAP machine used it and have not used it since I have been home from surgery and sleep better every day with every pound I loose, get tested for sleep apena you may have it worse than you think. Nancy
   — nefish

June 6, 2004
I am not sure what the 60 range was! All the test that I had to blow in the tube came out okay. It was the results of the blood drawn from my artery. When I walk I tire very easy. I thought it was because of my weight. The day I did take the test I was relaxed. I did look at my medical records back in 2000 and it appears that I had a dloc test which read abnormal, but after the adjust the volume it was okay. My pulmonary doctor is sending me to take another dloc test tomorrow.
   — msladylexus

June 7, 2004
I would ask to be referred to a pulmonologist for further evaluation. A low ABG means that you need to have WLS to reduce the pressure on your chest to move more air in and out of your lungs. I would consider this another co-morbidity of obesity.
   — tbarclay

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