i have lower back pain when i sit or lay on my back for the night is this normal

   — shannon E. (posted on June 3, 2004)

June 3, 2004
Is it on your left side? If so, sounds like it could be a urinary tract infection, bladder infection or kidney infection-usually not a big deal.
   — Angelgirl B.

June 3, 2004
have you tried lying on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep the pressue off your back?or you may want to try a body pillow.
   — traceybubbles

June 3, 2004
Just for your information......urinary tract infections could be a precursor to kidney stones per my urologist. I've had one since November, 2003 that I absolutely cannot get rid of and the urologist immediately suspected kidney stones. So far, it doesn't appear to be that but I'd see a doctor for ANY unusual aches or pains and I'd be insistent that they find out what is causing the pain. Pain is NOT normal!
   — scbabe

June 3, 2004
Well, I too have pains when sitting for longer than a half an hour and also when I'm laying down. I was able to pinpoint the pain and it's my tailbone. I pretty much chalk it up to there being less cushion back there. There have been several questions about this and you can find them in the library. Mine is just annoying, however, I have thought about buying a special cushion for when I have to sit for long periods. Good luck...
   — Morna B.

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