what is orsa?how do you get orsa after gastric bypass?

i had gastric bypass on 5-14 now my dr says i have orsa and that it is caused from not keeping wound clean i kept it very clean i just dont understand    — donald H. (posted on June 3, 2004)

June 3, 2004
I have never heard of orsa. I have heard of MRSA (Methycillan (sp)resistant staph areus),which can definitley grow in a wound. Let us know if you learn what orsa is (???)
   — jenn a

June 3, 2004
ORSA is oxacillin resistant staph aureus. This means that this infection is resistant to most antibotics including oxacillin, a very stong antibotic used to treat staph infections
   — kim F.

June 3, 2004
Generally resistant bacteria is aquired in the hospital setting, it is rarely aquired in the community. Staph is a norma skin flora but can "overgrow" and infect a wound. ORSA is a pretty big deal, I hope you are able to get rid of it quickly! Once rid of it your would should heal quickly. Don't let the doc make you feel like YOU did something wrong- it was more than likely the hospital. Geraldine 304/170/150
   — Pupcake !.

June 3, 2004
I, too, had ORSA after Gastric Bypass. It's no fun but don't EVER let your surgeon make you feel like it's your fault. My surgeon actually said that I probably got it in the hospital because, let's face it, there's lots of bacteria, etc. growing in a hospital at any given time. Best wishes in getting this cleared up as quickly as possible. It took me about two months.
   — ronascott

June 4, 2004
i've heard of mrsa- methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. if you go to google search engine and type in MRSA you will find all kinds of facts on this staph disease. it's contagious to others if they have direct contact with your wound. handwashing and wearing gloves is very important.
   — laviece

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