Hernia? Do you feel a gurgling when you sneeze or cough?

I just found out I have a hernia.... No pain at all it just feels funny when I sneeze or cough. At my 6 month appt yesterday I asked what it could be. He checked and said it was infact a hernia? Do I need to be concerned. Any suggestions Thanks    — diannapullen (posted on May 27, 2004)

May 27, 2004
I've had a hernia for quite some time now. It resulted from a previous hernia repair I had done with mesh. My surgeon doesn't want me to get it repaired until after I lose my weight. He said that with my added weight it will just come back. Yes, mine does's kinda freaky. I can make it gurgle by pushing it in or even when I bend over and of course with sneezes and coughs. I would say that it shouldn't be an issue unless you feel pain. None of my docs have been overly concerned about my gurgling. I would always ask the doctor just to be sure.
   — Morna B.

May 28, 2004
I have had a hernia for about 10 months and I have the same problem. My surgeon and my PCP say that I generally don't need to be in a rush to get it repaired and that like the previous answer, it is better to wait as the more weight I lose, the less likely it will re-occur. I had a problem in February when I had bronchitis and I was coughing constantly. My intestines kept gurgling out and so I was put on some strong cough suppressant as I was increasing the likelihood of complications when I was coughing that much.
   — Janet S.

May 28, 2004
I have it too. It is just the normal bowel sounds. Your bowels are always busy working :-)
   — catleth

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