Why am I not getting the Q & A via my email anymore?

I used to get the Q&A via email every day until one day a "friend" filled up my email box and part of my mail was sent back due to my box being full. Now no matter what I do, I cannot get the Q&A email to start back up..anyone have any suggestions? 248/184.5/?    — huggygrrl (posted on May 10, 2004)

May 9, 2004
It's not just you, I haven't been getting them either.
   — Shayna T.

May 9, 2004
I'm also having that problem, I used to get them daily, now I don't...HELP
   — jenniferw

May 10, 2004
I haven't been getting them either for almost 2 weeks now. I signed up to get an email now everytime a question is posted instead of just getting one email with all the days Q&A in it so I don't miss anything. Don't know what's going on.
   — scortch1

May 10, 2004
Neither have I. Does anyone know what the problem is?
   — Charlotte G.

May 10, 2004
I'm having the same problem. No daily digest of Q&A, so I went in and changed my settings to get single emails. I am getting them now, but still no digest. I even emailed a technical question, but have received no reply
   — Windy Pat

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