Periods of feeling very shaky

Someone posted about having hypoglycemia post op. I am within 2 days of being 16 weeks post op. I have found during the last couple of weeks, that I have been experiencing episodes where my hands start to shake so bad I can hardly hold on to anything. I drop everything I pick up and can't type or do anything requiring effort on my part. As I look back on it, these have been the days when I've been so busy I haven't had time to eat and have only had a glass of milk or a yogurt for breakfast and then go up to 10-12 hours without having anything except water or crystal lite. Could this be hypoglycemia? I have a 4 month visit with my surgeon on 5/4 and was going to mention it to him. Any thoughts are welcome. Please feel free to e-amil me with the answer at [email protected] Thanks...Kathy    — Katherine F. (posted on April 24, 2004)

April 24, 2004
Katherine, YOU'RE ANSWERED YOUR OWN questions & might be setting yourself up for failure as well, going 10-12 hours WITHOUT EATING is counteractive to the entire purpose of the surgery. Actually, I found that if you don't eat you won't lose as quickly because the body goes into stravation mode. Also, anyone's blood suger would drop after fasting for more than 4 hours, which is what you are doing. And not one is too busy, to a few pieces of cheese, or spoon of tuna every 3-4 hours! I suggest you be honest with your doctor and he/she will be honest with you. IF WE FAIL TO TAKE CARE OF OUR BODIES, OUR BODIES WILL FAIL TO TAKE OF US! After such an expensive surgery I serious doubt that you wish to fail.
   — Anna M.

April 24, 2004
Kathy, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE didnt go 10-12 hours without eating. That is SO bad for your body. I'm sure your blood sugar is dropping down very low and that is not good, period. It can cause you to pass out or worse. You need to tell your doc ASAP whats going on. Dont wait until 5-4. It is normal not to WANT to eat but you have to. Drink a protein shake or a spoon full of peanut butter, piece od cheese, just have something. Take care. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 140+ and below goal
   — Siddy I.

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