I need a pittsburger to teach me website building
Just the basics of how to put up pictures and text. I have the domain registered and tried this once over a year ago and failed miserably:( A few hours of basic how too should get me started right. I want to put up a website about WLS and help a good friend with her puppet minestries website. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!<P> Sortry if this is a bit OT here:) — bob-haller (posted on April 15, 2004)
April 15, 2004
Bob - not a "pittsburger" here, but if you go to,
you can build your web site, they are a web builder and very easy to
navigate through. I built one for my office and myself through that. You
just follow their instructions and you'll be fine. Believe me, if I could
do it anybody can. LOL. Hope this helps some. Good luck.
— penciepaws
April 15, 2004
I live in a large city (Miami, FL) and several of our community colleges
offer community education courses on how to build and maintain a website.
They offer basic html, and even advanced programming like java and flash.
The courses are less than $100 each and only take about a month to get
through. I believe it's 30-40 hours of hands-on education. Also, if you buy
an html editing program you don't have to do much of your own programming.
You can purchase MicroSoft Front Page which makes doing a webpage really
— Shayna T.
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