Does anyone sneeze when they have gotten too full/sick?

I notice that every time I get what I call "the frothies", you know, when you've eaten too much or too fast or didn't chew well enough and foamy spit starts to develop, when this happens, I also start having a sneezing fit!!! It happens every time so I know it is a symptom from WLS. I read a recent post on runny noses, maybe this is along the same line??? Lisa G    — saltybichon (posted on April 13, 2004)

April 13, 2004
Probably. Sneezes, hiccups and runny noses all seem to be symptoms or side effects of being full or too full. I get sniffles and hiccups.

April 13, 2004
I can not believe you ask that question. I have been wondering this for so long. I to sneeze, when I get to full. It is the weirdest thing, So glad to know someone else does it.!!!
   — Julie C.

April 13, 2004
No sneezing, but I do either get the hiccups or I go into a yawning spat for about 20 minutes. Mostly hiccups,'s so weird, isn't it? Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

April 13, 2004
VERY< VERY common side effect. I have done it for years byt before wls it was because of a partial blockage i had. Now it is because the pouch is too full and the food backs up
   — Delores S.

April 13, 2004
No sneezing here, but my nose runs big time!
   — Amy E.

April 13, 2004
Im a Yawn'er myself. Lasts from 10 - 20 mins and I can't stop yawning.
   — jenafwife

April 13, 2004
I sneeze, hiccup, and get the foamy crap, the only time I get really tired is from anything sugary!!! and then I get dizzy too, so I stay away from sugar !!!
   — bikerchic

April 13, 2004
I have uncontrollable sneezing. I'm sitting here now fighting the urge to sneeze. I stopped one bite shy of the sneeze attack. I had the foamies about week 6 or 7 and now don't really have a problem with that. I hope it get's better with time, but for now it is a good warning signal. Debbie -35
   — D. K.

April 13, 2004
I am 4 years post-op, and still sneeze when I've had enough to eat. Early on I asked my surgeon about it. He had never heard of it back then. I hope I remember next time I see him I remember to ask him if others have this symptom. All he cared about was that my body told me to stop eating in any way!! I'm recovering from hernia repair, and TT right now. I stop eating before I get that much in so I don't sneeze! I can't watch funny, or sad TV right now either. Good Luck --
   — CohenHeart

April 14, 2004
Yes, I sneeze several times when I have eaten too much. I have done this since about the 3rd month.
   — Kelly B.

April 26, 2004
I'm so glad you asked that question - I am totally a yawner and my nose runs right after I have eaten. I feel so bad - when I eat lunch with my friends and I can't stop yawning - I just wish I could put my head down for 10 minutes and take a nap - but instead I just keep apologizing and reassuring my friends it's not the company!! ha.
   — Sharon O.

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