My sister with leak is doing well and recovering on schedule now.

Thank you all for your prayers. She said she could feel them. She is on schdule now of recovery physically but mentally she is still pityfull. Doesnt want to try and do anything for herself and doesnt want to be alone at the hospital. I hope this changes. I was so independent by day 2 or 3 that I have a hard time relating to her situation. I love her very much but I don't want to do everything for her. I am a firm believer in necessity is the mother of invention. You learn to do things even when you think you can't .. anyway thanks again you guys/gals are great!!!!!!!    — Vitabella (posted on April 4, 2004)

April 7, 2004
Prayer Works!!! I read your original request for prayer, but don't think I answered it on Q&A board. I was praying for her too. I am very thankful for this site, and all the DIFFERENT kinds of support there is offered. I know there were others that prayed for her too, that probably didn't have time to write an answer to you. I'll still be praying for her continued recovery. P.S. She has been thru a lot. Give her some time to think about what she's been thru and baby her some till she is strong enough to do things for herself. Everyone heals and feels pain differently, and maybe because of what she's been thru, she is very fearful of what else this surgery and complications could happen. As she takes it day be day and gets better, possibly she will be less fearful and more self reliant. Sisters are GOOD!!!
   — bufordslipstick

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