Anyone else experience body acne?

I am 33 years old and about 1 and a half years out from my surgery. I lost 130 pounds and have been doing great until the last 3 months. I started to have breakouts on my chest, jawline and back (really badly!) and it almost looks like I have the chicken pox on my back! I have started to use Clinique and it is helping near my jawline, but the chest and body acne is still persistent. I use fragrance free/hypo-allergenic laundry detergent, careful not to spray perfume or hairspray on my bare skin, cleanse with good product and use an acne spray now. It has cleared slightly and I am going to the dermatologist in two weeks. I did notice it cleared up a bit when I was on a dose of antibiotics. Anyone else deal with this? I never had acne like this before!    — missmollyk (posted on March 22, 2004)

March 22, 2004
I have had the same problem for the about four months before I finally went to the doctor. I was given three medications to help clear it up. I am on two topical ointments and an oral antibiotic. The doc said the it was the hormones and fat desolving and coming through the skin. The medicine works great to clear it up as long as I remember to take it. It flares up if I miss more than one dose. She told me it would take about a year on medication for it to clear up for good. An additional advantage to going to the doc for this is that she tracks the rashes and infections on my belly and lists the medication as a treatment for those also. That way I have documentation for the insurance company when it's time for a tummy tuck. Hope this helps.
   — plucmn

March 22, 2004
Hey There!!! I thought I was in this acne club by myself. Never had it before. An occasional SMALL zit or two, but never like it's been here lately. Upper back and chest looked like I had the measles. Hubby said that it wasn't like something he could pop or anything,just small red raised places. My chest will clear up a few days then start back up again. Very aggrivating, especially since summer is on the way and I'd like very much to be able to go swimming without a housecoat on. I haven't talked to my doctor about this, I just figured that it was a hormonal thing. I can wash with alcohol, any acne med, neutragena soap for oily skin and it doesn't make any difference. This didn't start up until a couple months ago. I'm 16 months out and down 143 lbs. Sometimes my skin itches soooo bad. I'm also a nurse for nearly 14 years and have never seen anything like this. I posted about this problem a couple weeks ago and a goofy person actually said that I had a staph infection. I didn't respond. Depending on the time of the month, what I've eaten and my moods DO affect this acne problem. I don't eat greasy foods. Actually I still eat pretty much like I've eaten since the surgery. Mostly high protein, watching carbs. Ah, the female body. I'm rambling and not answering your question. I just don't know. I'll be 35 in July so I know what you mean about this age/ance thing. If I can find something out I'll let you know. Let us know what your dermatologist says too OK? Good luck from a fellow acne gal! LOL
   — Leigh G.

March 22, 2004
I am not post-op but thought I would give you something to think about. I am not an MD but I am a person who went through something similar. The skin is a tricky thing and I know how it feels to have break out skin. I had it for a few years until I went to a new dermatologist. Turns out my issue was not oily skin but skin that was too dry. All this time I kept putting on alcohol based acne meds and all and what I needed was a good moisturizer. I looked like I had chicken pox. Many little red eruptions all over my arms and back with a few on my face. Some looked like zits and many just like I scratched chicken pox. It might be possible from what I hear that your skin is reacting to the lowered hydration. For me, I was given a prescription moisturizer and all was cleared in days. :) Just another thought. I know it sounds like years away but hang in til you see the dermatologist. Too much oil, Too little hydration, need an antibiotic..... whatever the cure If you have a good dermatologist its AMAZING how quick the skin can recover.
   — CelticRose

March 22, 2004
Hello, You may want to see a Dermatologist, if you are having acne problems so bad a Doctor will be the only one that can help you, so make an appointment right away, you may be allergic to something you are using or he may be able to give you a cream to clear it right on up. Memory Royal
   — danetta1070

March 23, 2004
I appreciate the input everyone! I will let you know what happens with the dermatologist next week. An office mate said she had the same problem in her early 30's and she started to use Calamine lotion and it cleared up right away. I'll try it and see...
   — missmollyk

March 23, 2004
Hi Molly, I had the exact problem about 9 years ago after another major operation. The doctors said they were called sebatious(?) cysts, not acne. They gave me a tube of body scrub to use and they did go away eventually, it had something to do with hormonal influcuation after the surgery. I did get a few of them after my RNY surgery too...They'll clear up. Good Luck, Deborah
   — Deborah

March 24, 2004
Used the Calamine last night and it was like a miracle! Just overnight a lot of it cleared up, the angry red bumps and stingin disappeared...let's see if it keeps working. Will still go to the dermatologist afterwards, but thanks for all the input!
   — missmollyk

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