Has anyone become pregnant after having the RNY and what was it like?

I am considering the RNY and have had my first consult, but a nagging question remains. I am 30 and still have not had children and would like to. I am concerned about possible nutritional problems. Would appreciate it if someone could share their post op pregnancy experience. I do realize I can't get pregnant until my weight stabilizes. I'm talking 2 or 3 yrs post op.    — poetess00 (posted on February 3, 2004)

February 3, 2004
Erica, I haven't, but I can give you the URL to a couple who have had babies post WLS: and Hope that helps some! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

February 3, 2004
Erica, I have. I got pregnant at about 1.5 years from surgery. The pregnancy was easy and no morning sickness (which I had experienced with my three previous pregnancies!). I only gained 23 pounds and by the time I left the hospital I had dropped 32 pounds. I breast feed for 3 months and lost even more. I have since put on about 8 pounds (8 months after delivery) and feeling fine. I also had an emergency appendexmy (sp?) 4 weeks after I gave birth. My pregnancy was not a normal pregnancy though. I gave birth to quadruplets, yes, four little boys that are healthy, normal and the joys of our lives (along with the other 3 children)!! Good luck! J. Walker (Silver Spring, MD)
   — paschool

February 3, 2004
I cant say.. never got pregnant after. BUT Obesityhelp' January Magazine has a NICE article on pregnancy after WLS how they faired etc.
   — star .

February 3, 2004
Hi Erica...I am one of those women in the January issue of the ObesityHelp magazine. First I would say, definitely start using birth control right after surgery. My pregnancy was wonderful and I was carrying twins! You just have to make very wise food choices, take your vitamins faithfully, and make sure to keep all of your doctors appointments. You don't or won't necessarily have to see a specialist. My OB was very familiar with WLS. The only reason I did see a specialist was because I was carrying twins. All of my bloodwork was normal everytime. Good luck!!
   — Tammy W.

February 3, 2004
I am currently 6 months pregnant (and 30 years old also). I waited the year my surgeon suggested to start trying, it just happened quicker than we thought! I am doing great. My regular OB is not as familiar with WLS patients as I would like, but I have had previous pregnancy problems (unrelated to WLS) that she is familiar with so I chose to stay with her. My bloodwork and tests have all been good. I've gained 12-15 pounds so far and hope to keep it around 25 total. Our daughter is due May 22, 2004. Good Luck. <p> Also, there is a yahoo group devoted to pregnancy after WLS if you want to check it out: <br>
   — Ali M

February 4, 2004
I am 29 I had RNY 7/18/2002 a baby in 11/11/2003 and am pregnant again. What kind of questions do you have? Feel free to email me... The preganacy was very much like my fist. Except with my fist I was so much larger, I didn't feel him move much.
   — MF

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