Please let me know what helps!!!

Feel the gagging sensation all the time as it's a terrible sensation. I've heard it will go away in time, but any idea how to deal with this in the meantime? Also, what causes this? Makes me want to stick with the protein drink although I'm supposed to be eating some solids now. HELP!!!    — Lucy M. (posted on February 3, 2004)

February 2, 2004
I was the same way for the first month. I was nausous(?) 24/7, did vomit occainionally., There was nothing I did that helped. Sorry.. I woke up one day and the feeling was gone. Just like that. I haven't had a problem since. Wish I could help more, but like they say it will pass, and you are not alone. Beverly Lap RNY 9/23/03 257/185

February 2, 2004
Im sorry I dont have an answer for u but I wanted to let u know I am goin through the same thing right now. For the past week or so I feel like Im gonna gag or throw up all the time. I dont actually throw up but have that feeling always. I cant even brush my teeth with out gagging. I really hope it goes away soon for both of us. Good luck!
   — pnjlyman

February 2, 2004
From your profile, it sounds like your bowels are running a little slow. If you are backed up there, the food in your pouch has no where to go. I was the same way for the first couple of months postop and my doc told me to use a stool softener,NOT A LAXATIVE. I bought some, small gel caps, and took 2 a day. I was also taking Zantac 2 times a day for acid reflux, yup, still have it postop. The stool softener worked to get my bowels moving and emptying completely. The nausea and vomiting stopped and I was eating better. Pick up some stool softener at Wal-Mart or your local drug store. It's actual name is Docusate Sodium 100mg per gel cap. Good luck, hope things 'get moving' for you soon.
   — mary ann T.

February 3, 2004
Some warm mint tea helps nausea. It also breaks down any mucus in the pouch which could be causing nausea. Good Luck
   — ZZ S.

February 4, 2004
I have the same problem and would love to know a real solution!!
   — catleth

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