Goal Weight Blues

Hello everyone, im 11 months post-op -94lbs. I have 6lbs to go before i get to my 1 year goal weight of 160lbs and 16lbs before i get to where i want to be. I need some advice on what i can do. I guess i know what to do, is there anything else i can do to speed it up because i have 27 days until my 1 year post-op. Please give me some suggestions thanx 260/166/150-160    — sexysag37 (posted on January 29, 2004)

January 29, 2004
Rita, you are doing just fine with your weight loss. I'm not one to set yourself up for disappointment with "goals". So what happens if you don't reach your 100 pound goal in 27 days? Does it make your accomplishments any less spectacular? Not to me. Your last entry in your profile talked about eating something you shouldn't have and getting back on track with eating and 30 minutes of taebo a day. I think if you eat right, stay away from foods you know are not the best for you and stick to your work out schedule and take in lots of water, you should either come close to your goal or meet it. But if you don't meet it, that should be OK too, because you've done wonderful!
   — Cindy R.

January 29, 2004
My first advice would be to RELAX. I have learned so much from all the wonderful people that post here and perhaps the most recurrent advice is that it will come off! Many seem to agonize over the scale and plateaus but when you read their long term profiles, despite long plateaus, they do continue to lose! You will too and so will I. I agree with the last poster on the head games we play. I am going from fear of regaining one minute to fear of losing too much the next! I am trying to take my own advice and realx, I love my new skinny body and even if I stay right here will be very happy with all I can do now because of it! I do not have a goal weight now I just do not ever want to go above 150lbs. Congradulations on your success! 14mos post RNY
   — cathy G.

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