I had a blood clot in my leg (DVT) last year, will that affect me having surgery

What are the concerns about having a previous blood clot before surgery? Has anyone else had this? I was on innohep shots in the belly for months, but not anymore, will I have to retake meds for a clot?    — P S. (posted on January 28, 2004)

January 28, 2004
Erin - I had a DVT in my lower left leg (unnoticed due to severe lymphedema in the same leg) which ended up causing bi-lateral pulmonary emboli (blood clots in the lungs) in 1/2002. I've been on Coumadin since then. The doctors stopped the Coumadin a week before surgery and resumed it a week thereafter and no problems. Just make sure that you share your history of DVTs with the surgeon and he can make sure that he takes the appropriate measures...JR
   — John Rushton

January 28, 2004
Erin, I had a blood clot, DVT in my left leg in 1995 and was on heparin drip, then coumadin for 8mths, then aspirin therapy. I had to stop the aspirin a week before surgery. they did a leg scan on both my legs the morning of surgery, and they were clear. I had rny/lap on 10-23-03 and developed a clot in my right leg on 10-24/25-03, they put me on heparin drip in the hospital, I developed bilateral pulmonary embolisms, but because i was already on heparin they increased the dose and then put a greenfeld filter in. (they can put the filter in before a clot develops if the surgeon feels its necessary, I'd go for this option). i was fine. It just extended my hospital stay by 5days and took a little longer for my lungs to recoup. I am fine now and still on blood thinners for another 3 mths, then I am not sure what the course of action will be, maybe aspirin therapy. you can check my profile and feel free to email me if you have any questions. Good luck. Lisa Hackenburg 339/258/???
   — Lisa H.

January 28, 2004
I also had a blood clot a couple of years ago. My doctor would not do surgery until I had a Greenfield Filter inserted into my main artery coming from my legs. It was inserted through my neck artery and painless. Check into this before you have surgery.
   — kkubinski99

January 29, 2004
I have had several blood clots in my legs and had my lungs peppered with clots. I had a greenfield filter inserted. I was on heperin shots aweek prior to surgery except for the morning of surgery. I was then put back on heperin and stayed on it until mt coumadin level was back up. I have had no complications what so ever. I am 67 when I had my surgery.
   — Carol H.

January 29, 2004
I also had a blood clot in sept 2002 due to knee surgery mine was on my lungs.I was on coumadin for a year and then taken off.I asked my doctor the same question and was told they put you on a thinner and also put those things on your legs after surgery(don't know what they called)But still talk to your doctor about it.Good luck!
   — cameo

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