Take the time out to be proud of yourself!

I felt very proud of myself this morning. It is about 9 degrees outside and I dragged my butt to the gym at 5:30am for the 5th time this week. In fact, I've been going to the gym 5-6 times per week since July. Have you stopped to think about how far you've come and truly thought about how hard you've worked to break bad habits and appreciate how different your life is now?    — Yolanda J. (posted on January 23, 2004)

January 23, 2004
Way to go! I get up at six, five days a week, so I can get to work an hour early to walk. I also walk on my lunch hour. The temperature was 0 this morning. Life is good and I thank God for allowing me to have this surgery. Sapala-Wood Micropouch 12/12/02 – 213/133/125.
   — Jazzy

January 23, 2004
<b>Congratulations on doing what you have to do to get to your goal, I wake up at 5 am and by 5:30 am I'm out the door doing my daily walk. for about 1 hour and a half. then I come in and start cleaning up the house for about a hour. then eat and check in on what's happening on OH. around noon I will get on my exercise bike for a hour and then on my Nortic track for about 20 minutes. this is a everyday routine except the weekends. and I enjoy doing it. Before my wls I couldn't even walk to the car and back without fighting for breath. Everytime I do something new I get so happy and thank God for blessing me with wls. I have loss 177 lbs in 13 months just by being determined and following the doctors instructions, I don't let head hunger rule me. I do not buy foods that will temp me. I believe that you have to learn now how to control your eating habits because when you do get to goal, the question will be will you be able to maintain your new weight, just because you reach goal doesn't mean it's the end of staying focused. Congrats to you, you are showing great determination and you will get to goal before you know it.Great job. Hang in there. Thumbsup</b>
   — Naes Wls J.

January 23, 2004
I was not a morning person when obese, as a pre-op, and am still NOT a morning person 2 years post-op! You posties who get up at ungodly hours to do your exercise deserve great big hugs and you have my, I prefer climbing on the treadmill on the other end of the clock, a much more civilized 6 or 7 pm!!
   — Cindy R.

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