Since surgery has anyone joined Weight Watchers?

Would it work since we can only eat so much???    — Nancy W. (posted on January 14, 2004)

January 14, 2004
Having been a weight watcher member several times throughout my life......i must say that the food plan is excellent. I always wanted more than what the servings suggested were but now it would probably be much easier. I probably would have a hard time getting in some of the food but it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I had my surgery in August and I don't eat healthy at all as far as balanced foods. Just my thought. Mary
   — Mary E.

January 14, 2004
I use their frozen meals for lunches @ work from time to time. Portions are about right..I may end up tossing some of it, depending on what it is.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 14, 2004
Nancy, being an on-again off-again member of WW for 20 years now, the reason I kept going back was, not only the food program, but the group support. So I guess it would depend on your reason for going. The education would be good (except for the part where they follow the food pyramid - carbs primary instead of protein). And of course, if you need a weekly weigh-in to keep on track, that would help too.
   — lharbison

January 14, 2004
No, I never have. But I've heard that they now have new programs to follow that you can choose from, like a low carb high protein plan. THis may work for you if you need the structure. Just remember- they're talking about people with normal sized stomachs, so you shouldn't be eating as much as them.

January 16, 2004
I am just about 10 months out, down 112 pounds, with 45 to go to my personal goal, 65 to go to my surgeon's goal. I just joined WW last week. You may find, like I did, that 30 years of bad eating habits were not wiped out simply with surgery. I wanted to get on track to eating healthier, monitoring and tracking what I eat, and generally get back on track before my window of opportunity runs out. You could be surprised, as I was, how hard it was to not go over my points. Alot of things I eat, like cheese, have higher points. Frankly, I've not developed the best eating patterns following surgery - I am one of the unlucky ones that doesn't 'dump' after eating bad things - and yes, that is my fault for even pushing it. But, again, unfortunately it is hard to erase 30 years of poor eating habits. I'm getting back on track with Weight Watchers - just wish insurance would pay for therapy with the surgery...Good luck with your decision.
   — vittycat

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